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Posts posted by redslayer
  1. OSSA TR208i, mapped by Pennine Trial Sport.

    For months, I stuck to the advice of "NEVER TOUCH THE THROTTLE WHEN KICK-STARTING IT - even if you have to put your hand on the bar rather than throttle", and still had issues.


    It almost randomly started.

    The strange thing was, when out riding - other people mostly seemed to be able to start it (even whilst knowing - 'not to touch the throttle').


    I put mine up for sale last week, and decided to mess about with it to ensure that it would start easily (9v battery fix etc).


    After 6 months of not riding it (fresh set of eyes); whilst testing, I thought to myself "I can hear it TRYING to start - it feels like it needs fuel", so, this time, I decided to try the throttle and lo and behold - it started - every time - without fail!

    This happened the next day from cold - regular, consistent starts!

    It started - effortlessly - every time.


    So, the months of faffing about was entirely due to listening to 'experts'!


    I now think that the key was entirely due the timing of the throttle.

    Even HOW you kicked it seemed unimportant (whereas I started to think that how / when you 'jerked' the kick-start mattered):


    1) Use a quick, 1/3 throttle jerk.

    2) Do that JUST BEFORE the kick-start hit's the foot-peg - no earlier.

    3) DO NOT turn the throttle before then.


    I do think that this throttle timing is very fine, and that's why so many people seem to have problems.

    I think that THIS is what should be concentrated-on.


    If I take trials up again; I would now have absolutely no hesitation in buying an OSSA - year 2011 or not - brilliant bike.

    Do not let this 'issue' put you off - because, there isn't one ;-)



  2. Kirko,


    Don't worry, I was advised to get a 125cc first (as they don't have the power to 'do it all for you', and therefore you learn more -  allegedly) - I went ahead and bought an OSSA 280i anyway.


    50 years old and not probs yet.


    Red ;-)

  3. Its quite common for a trials bike to do 350000 kilometres....

    This makes me laugh really, not getting at you feetupfun but how many of those against FI trials engines drive to the trial in an FI vehicle week in week out ?

    My van started again today, it's done 89000 miles but this wouldn't influence the purchase of a FI trials bike, its simply not relevant


    Lol - not a dig, but the first line reminded me of Trigger in Only Fools and Horses:
    Trigger: "I've had this very same broom for 10 years: it's had 15 new brushes and 5 new poles".  :hyper:
    Red  ;)
    • Like 1
  4. I've just started getting into trials - never ridden one until last week.

    I bought an OSSA TR280i 2011.

    Why, when I knew nothing about trials bikes?


    Innovation. Especially innovation that makes sense without being a trials guru.


    1) Everything on the bike (that matters) is alloy (and it's light).

    2) The petrol tank is alloy, external and directly behind the front wheel.

    3) The radiator is behind that fuel tank - thus shielded from mud & crap.

    4) The barrel points backwards rather than vertical.

    5) This allegedly enables the air filter to sit between the tank and the radiator at the front, down into the fuel injector and the exhaust to come out of the barrel to the rear. This shortens the exhaust significantly - there is no exhaust curling around the front of the bike - it comes straight out of the barrel to the rear and to the silencer.

    6) As mentioned above - it's fuel injected - no carb.

    7) Don't think that this is pure OSSA, but the rear wheel has a tubeless system where the spokes on the rim are held by a nut, where the hole into the rim is permanently sealed and the spoke slots into the nut. Allegedly ensures no air leaks via the spokes. http://www.trialendurodirect.com/products.php?images&FABA_REAR_wheels_from_Italy_1187ℑ=2092


    As for starting it - yep - it's currently taking me approx 20 kicks consistently from cold.

    Honestly - by the time I've got it booted - I'm back to the car for a brew and a fag!

    I've tried the 9v battery trick - no effect.

    Others have kicked it in 2, but this wasn't really a scientific comparison.

    I still refuse to believe it's my technique. -_-

    (If it becomes apparent that it is - I WILL come back here, cap in hand, and admit it).


    I understand that the ECU can be remapped and that there are about 3 mappings.

    Having it serviced atm and will take it to a specialist to let them tell me - "it's all about technique".




    Red  ;)

  5. Thanks guys.


    This venue has been used for trials for 30 years.


    Here's the Cliviger Google Maps co-ords - paste 'em in and it'll take you directly to the entrance.

    (Otherwise, it takes some working-out without co-ords - due to lack of clear land-marks).


    53.744993, -2.180452


    Here's the link straight to it:



    The Google map is years old, so the first thing you now see as you arrive (on your left) that isn't on the map - looks like a concreted compound, surrounded by a green metal fence. (National Rail used this to store equipment for rail track repair).


    So, turn left from the main road toward this compound and follow the dirt track round and down to the right.

    Within a few hundred yards, you'll come to an underpass - under the rail track. Park around here.


    Go with your bike under the underpass - you'll immediately come to a gate. Go through and SHUT THE GATE BEHIND YOU!

    It seems that everywhere that isn't fenced is available to use.

    There are sheep here, but they tend to go further up the hills. If you come across them - think about that - you've probably gone too far; I think that THEY are moving out of YOUR way up there.

    The land-owner comes round periodically - it's a fiver for the day.


    I chatted with the land-owner (his terrier took an immediate interest in me, probably 'cos I have 3 cats); he (the land-owner - not the terrier) is contemplating closing this venue during the week, due to someone on the top-road complaining about:

    1) Noise (I think she dropped this approach as I'm sure you'd have to hang your head out a window with no wind and no traffic and no train going past to hear our engines), and I think that the Council have paid a visit and trounced that excuse.

    2) Can now see 'white helmets' moving across the fields (through her low windows) - distracting intense viewing of Coronation Street ;-)

    No disrespect here; if there's a problem - there's a problem, but I like to hear some logic in a complaint.


    The terrain is excellent for trials; with choice for beginners (plenty of flats) and experts alike (vertical, high paths).


    This isn't from the owner, but can you please:

    1) Try to catch him - he ain't 'making' much out of this excellent venue, leave your fiver with someone or pay him double later.

    2) CLOSE THE GATE BEHIND YOU (at the other side of the underpass).

    3) Take all litter home! At a fiver a day - the owner shouldn't be worrying about litter collection.


    Let's help him keep this venue open, and if you hear that he's having problems with the council - please support him.




    Red ;-)


    p.s. English Electric: ditto - great day. I peeped you as I passed you towards Burnley - you gave me the thumbs-up, so I thought you were o.k. It was the ratchets that stopped you then? I think that that single ratchet across the middle was enough on it's own - did the other 2 fail?

    The 'other guy' was Mike Wilby - bit of a 'vet' methinks.

    I've sent his contact details to Craig. 

    See you later. ;-)

  6. Use it by all means to slow 'em down, but look at this also:


    I've got one, and it works. You need a SIM for it, and a £10 Giff-Gaff or 3 Network PAYG (no need to renew every month as long as you message it periodically). Any activity in view range and it sends you a text / email etc. You can also get them that take snapshot photos and send them to you (although they are in the £50-£70 range).

    Only problem: spiders. I had one that immediately took to it for a nest. However, better a false alarm than a missed real alarm.

    Spiders shouldn't be a problem if your bike isn't a trophy bike and is used regularly and you place the unit on the bike itself ;-)

    Red ;-)

  7. Put latex gloves over your normal ones.

    My problem is circulation (the prime reason besides cold - for cold hands). When I have close-fitting gloves - when gripping the bars, they become tight. Slack-ish gloves enable blood to circulate - warming your hands better!

    Now, a super-sized latex glove might help me (but all I seem to see are the ones that 'snap' on applying 'em!).

    Red ;-)

  8. Hiya,

    I'm 50 years old. I started on road bikes 5 years ago with a view to scrambling (from my teens). Now, I've decided to have a go at trials (something I aspired to do in my teens, but alas - finances, then family, kids, etc, etc waylaid that).

    I had a tow-bar fitted, fitted a carrier, bought an OSSA TR280i 2011. Now what?

    Yep - typical me - in with both feet (ignoring my favorite saying: "Never test the depth of a stream with both feet!").

    Now, I'm struggling to find a legit / legal venue to just practice! Not a venue managed by a club - once a year, but regular, whenever I want (if it costs - it costs).

    Any help here - much appreciated.

    Distance does matter obviously; I'd prefer 50 mile-ish radius, but any distance to 100 mile radius appreciated.


    Red ;-)

  9. Hi Dad,

    I've also recently joined (and I think that I may have responded to one of your posts).

    I'm in Burnley, Lancs - not a million miles away.

    If you find any legit practice sites - let me know (and I'll do the same).

    I'm also joining a few clubs, just in case I manage to learn how to handle my new acquisition (after only riding road bikes), and be able to enter some trials comps (at the low end of course).

    Red ;-)

  10. Hiya,

    I bought 4 hi-viz, weatherproof reflective metal strips (they 'snap' into a coil when the curved strip is bent) from Poundland. Great to quickly snap around the tyres either side. (You can see 'em from your wing mirrors, so on-coming traffic should too).

    On the rear wheel - they don't quite reach all around the wheel and I lost one doing xx mph (erm 70 mph) on the motorway, so, I'm going back to buy another 10 (just in case).

    Red ;-)

  11. LOL, I don't believe that any current legislation forbids this in the UK per-se, apart from legibility of car rear lights and registration plate.

    You may get away with car lights being partially obstructed (when turning), however - the reg plate will be obstructed at all times from the rear,

    If the bike had a light board on it's rear, or the car on it's roof - then this would be legal (absolutely nothing to say that it isn't).

    I wouldn't use this personally, with minimum round-trips at 100 miles to trials sites - I would't want my rear tyre worn out by tarmac!

    With a bike carrier at around £100 delivered - why commit yourself to endless tyre replacements?

    Red ;-)

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