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Posts posted by jaysktms
  1. My 05 does the same thing. I have no pressure on the clutch plates, tried what was said up above. Never looked at the push rod. I placed washer under the clutch springs to place more pressure on the plate. This has the clutch working now.

  2. Well out I when today for a ride, cold the bike started up on the third kick, but after riding for a bit I had a very hard time getting the bike to light up, and it look like it must be me. My two friend could get the bike to start in one or two kicks, now I have to get it to start for me like that. Unless I can keep them around all the time, just like the pros. (not)!!!!!

  3. :) I have to agree the spark is all but not there. I just pickup an 05 and when going through it fround that spark plug cap need the screw on insulator on the plug. The bikes plug did not have it on. So down to get a new plug, it started on the second kick but there is not much ther in the way of a brite spark. Only time will tell if I will need help, but for now it is running great.
  4. It was a great time, until the fire alarms started to go off and the state police had us get out! Only to let us back in. This was the first time that I was there and and can not wait for next year. The trials riding area was nice with lots of view room.

  5. Well here in the states, there just seems that there is not much information about the sport. There is just spots of help here and thier. Now that my friends got me into this, I am liking it alot. This site was given to me by one of the friend that got me into this sport and he just started a section for trials on our web page.

  6. B) Just want to say Hi and say that you got a very nice site here. Lots of good information and very helpful people. Well a little about my self, I have been riding dirt bikes all of my life, this started when two of my friends got these trials bike and took me along, well as you can see here I am. One thing for sure I do like it. I am looking forward to this new style of riding.
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