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Posts posted by 29r
  1. Have you even entered yet, Ringo? I've been holding out awhile on this thread because I feel you cheated me. You knew darn well the bet was for ALL SIX ROUNDS!

    I took the deal, signed up and raced this entire series feeling cheated by your sorry rump. Now, after five rounds, I've found out I'm way out of my league on these tracks. And you want to chide me again with a one race deal. Forget it. You totally backed out of the original agreement last November. You weasel.

    From all your internet talk bravado, you're surely faster than me (everyone is)... but you're not a man of your word. You could've took my $1000 dollars with ease. I'll take these five rounds as a life learning experience. Along with all the bumps and bruises I've accumulated. But I'm not taking a dollar and six pack of anything to your room.

    Speaking of rumps. Here's Ryan Young staring at mine.


    Surely , this has been edited . There's no exhaust smoke ! :thumbup:

  2. Make sure that the batteries are hooked in series . It's a 24VDC motor . I have an extra set of batteries that I charge separately. ( O.E. charger took a C##p ) have to make a mental note to hook them up back proper . It's easy to get the jumpers crossed . :thumbup:


  3. :thumbup:

    Geez' O' Chrysler !

    I had just received the magazine last week with the hint of the rule change and now it's tossed !!!! But how ?....Why ?...Who....Aaargh ! :crying:


    Tony , you are spot on . The addition of those Classes would beneficial to all . Frustrating to see a water-cooled Husky on the cover of VV and all the other disciplines with Post-Vintage Classes and more . I just..... :)

    I've ridden the West Coast events and come back thinking that , Yep , that was a long hike ( and $$ ) just for a parade . On the other hand , I've ridden events where the State Instrument is the Banjo ( ;) ) and come away thinking what a great bang for the Buck . Hard doesn't have to difficult ( or is it the other way around ? ) Definetly a difference in philosophy . Obviously one has more clout than the other though . There in lies the problem .

    This , for me goes back to the Nintey's when we were asked to create a Trials at Grattan . Spending countless hours carving out sections in an overgrown , poison Ivy infested , trying to make something out of nothing , woods . We took it upon ourselves to invite our Local group to come and participate as a Fun Event, thinking that it would help spark some interest on a local level and interest in AHRMA . WRONG ! I was informed in no uncertain terms ( by a former World Champion ) that " It only 'Mucks' things up ". Well , okay , geez , sorry . On the other hand , it was Ho-Hum , we don't have time for 'Fun Trials' and there wasn't a need for additional classes .

    So much for trying . But yet , I keep coming back for more . Preserverance has to be the case if we want to improve/expand Vintage Trials at a National/ local level . Ahrma would seem the logical choice ....

    I agree , Tony .

    One Day , one Day ....

    On a lighter note...


  4. It was posted that rules changes were being submitted to the Governing body ( Twin shock/Drum Pre 1985) and those concerned should respond to their representatives in favor of the motion . Also that TLR's are not included .

    Well...Okay ....ITSA (yeah , okay pun intended ) start . Nothing ventured , nothing gained .

    I think with the new Trials Coordainator , that there can be improvement . But it takes your voice !

    Thought's ?

  5. Okay , I'm over it . Even though I'd preferred that ' You take it outside ! '. The majority of threads end up off topic anyways , so whatever .

    Observations .

    The original thread was for " Volunteers " . For that , I got no response from this Board .

    Honesty is the best policy ( No question ) . In a sense though , I feel that I was responsible for the Observers ( which was the ' root 'of the problem ) . I didn't have an abundance of volunteers at the time , could have used a 3rd at some of the sections to handle the 70 some riders and some were not versed in Vintage rules and a couple that had no idea at all . So for that , I apologize .

    Don't mess with the ' Guru ' and his Clan . ( I hear Banjo's ) ;)

    For the money , it's a shame that all of the top finishers not be given an award , even though there may not be 3 riders in the Class ? That needs to be addressed . On the other hand , who wants a ' TRAILS ' trophy anyways . :D

    On the Twin Shock thing . I just received the August Vintage Views . The National Trials Coordinator , Ed Peacock has submitted a proposal to the Rules committee for approval of twin shock thru 1985 ( Air/drums ) . For those inclined , contact him or your local Trustee .

    The Sunday venue was a mix . With the addition of the X-Country , it made it difficult for the layout ( I could have saved 2 days of Vacation though ) . I was aware of at least a couple of riders that didn't participate as they had to return that day . It did make for a late departure for the long drive home . The Gallery didn't seem as large (?) All the same , they were entertained though . Didn't seem to have the pressure of hurrying the event for the MX'rs and Road Racers . I neglected to thank Don Kelly ( all the way from California ) who forfeited his ride to help with the event , Thanks Don .

    I wish I would have collected the results at the end to report , but I was just glad to be over with it and " Where's that Cold Bud " ! Also I not aware of any Photos to view , so if anyone has a link , please do !

    So anyways ,

    Motor Easy

  6. :hyper:

    Well... So there I was ...

    Mid-Ohio ! If you've never been there , all I can say is ...WOW ! What an experience !

    Vintage Moto-X ,Road racing ( what a beautiful course ! I have to try that sometime ...soon ! ) Dirt Tracking ( just a short drive ) , new this year , Cross Country Event . "A Swap Meet to die for ". ( it's got to be there somewhere ! ) Concourse show , Manufactures , Clinics , so many other attractions within one property ...

    Did I mention Ryan Young and His Trials Allstars ?

    I had agreed to being the " TRIALS MASTER " :blink:

    So , anyways . I won't bother with the fanfare preceding / during the event , Let's go on the #1 Line ....

    But wait ! At the Riders Meeting , a long time Pioneer of Trials in the U.S. was recognised at the Meeting ... Mr. Jerry Young . ( 68 years young ) for his contributions to Trials in the U.S of A !

    #1 drop off into a knarly tree root ,up and over into the bed , up another onto the bank , drop down , right hander up and back down , hard right over a log to a left 180 thru rocks and a quick rt. up and thru the gate .

    #2 Downhill into the creek, 180 right backup the bank , across the ridge , left down and out of the gully ,up across the top , drop down into the creekbed . zig zag and up thru rocks between trees and out .

    #3 enter and 180 across tree roots right , full lock left , up and over log , lock right over tree , lock left over same , across the hillside to another fallen tree , over right , over left , then right ,over and up and out .

    #4 enter , over a log , hard right , over a suspended log , hard 180 left over same and couple others I can't remember .

    #5 In and down into creekbed , up the bank , 180 left back down , 180 right back up between trees , left , drop back down thru rocks , right thru rocks, up the bank and out .

    Nice trail out to the back 40

    #6 enter drop right , bottom 180 left up and over log , across right 90 right over tree , HRAD right down around tree , 180 at bottom straight up the hill ,180 around the top to the bottom ( with a ziggy on down ) around and a 180 right up and around tree and out.

    #7 down the creekbed left . up the bank cross angle , around tree , drop down into bed , up the other side over knarly roots , left , drop down back into bed , left , hard 180 right over limb , 180 left over same and out .

    I'm not sure , but I think it was a good mile back .

    #8 Ahh the Rocks . Seems one of the perennials of Mid-Ohio !

    One thing that sticks in your mind is the crowd . If you've never had a gallery watching , cheering , moaning ( maybe groaning is best ) whilst you're riding a section , then riding Mid-O is an experience . There are spectators !

    At the Awards , our own Ryan Young presented the 1st place trophy to the winner of the Modern Classic Expert which is the #1 ( hard line ) to a man that bested the best at this event ...Jerry Young , riding his Cub ! Jerry , YOU DA'MAN !! ( I wanna talk to you about that Cub too )

    I have to thank all that pitched in to help with pulling this event off . 1st to Royce Klein who was intsrumental in the layout , his brothers Doug and Bill and wife Maria , Don May , Bob Ellis, Kirk Tolly, Bob Steinmetz, Chris Neinhuis , Eric Mc Winney , my amigo Randy Spray and others . ( I apologize )

    I want to give special thanks to a lady named Irene . It was she that stayed up in her Motel late into the evening ( with her Husband , maybe you're familiar with , Mr Jeff Smith ) to post all the pre-entries and along with Pat Campbell ( and husband Craig ) to take care of the sign-ups and scoring for the day . Priceless . :banana2:

    So until next year .

    Anyone want to be Trials Master ?!

  7. Making ready . Spent the day going over the Trailer , when's the last time you checked/greased the bearings ? Mine were abit overdue . :beer:

    Why no Twin shocks ?....OHhh.. , you mean modern Twin Shocks ..... Don't ask . :thumbup:

    Ryan Young and his Trials Stars are going to be there . Is that you Biff ?

    Work Day , Thursday and yes , I think the Sunday schedule will work out well . Looks to be good weather for the weekend

    It really is a great weekend . Looking forward to seeing all that are attending and hoping I'll return with less than I showed up with ....( Wutta concept ) :huh:

  8. Splatters require no skill according to Ryan, just balls!

    I don't think Ryan would ' Approve ' this message . :P

    Although 'Commitment ' plays a big part , throttle (lots ), gear selection , clutch , body position/movement ( before , during and after ) and then stop on a dime .

    See'ins I have a hard enough time hoppin' off a bike , I'm not the one to be schoolin'. I know though , there's more than meets the eye .

    Buy the Video , take a school . :D

  9. Not sure but, I have one in the barn that is getting close to getting dragged out . Supposed 200 , was told that the pistons were unobtainium , but maybe rings . :thumbup:

    Some discussion would be helpful .

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