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Posts posted by andy.t
  1. Just to confirm what scorpa250 mentioned mine has the 6mm bolt under the mudguard that goes into the tank/seat unit. I did think it was standard but perhaps not. Just remove bolt, pull up the seat and then pull the whole thing back off the rubber mounts.As mentioned remove fuel pipe first.

  2. Fortunately some of our ancestors thought what you said above was a crock of sh!t and decided to look further, hence the discoveries made by scientists through time, culminating in the haldron thingy when they get it up and running again may actually tell us more about our origins.( http://www.crystalinks.com/scientists.html check this out)

    Until that time the sensible amoung us will realise that ghosts don't exsist and UFO's are just that not aliens from another solar system or whatever.

    Nigel Dabster,perhaps ghosts are infact images that are somehow stored and then repeated at some point in time, its not that hard to believe when you think we do similar things on video, perhaps this is an advanced type of history storage that we do not understand.

  3. For those who find strange things hard to believe and understand then look back at our ancestors who thought the world was flat, it was because they could see no further than the horizon which gave the impression the world was like a saucer. We still have the same problems now in that if we don't understand things then they cant have any merit. I think in keeping an open mind lets you explore all possibilities, like I think I saw a ghost, it was the image of a pet. I think that someone sat on my side of the bed one night,well something did as I could feel it, but I didn't dare look. I think that I could have seen a UFO, it was only lights, but was very strange. I think we have senses that we use perhaps without even realizing it, I'm sure you all have had what we call gut feelings that defy logic but turn out to come true, all these things for me are real ,one way or another. One thing for sure is that in many years to come people will look back at how we perceived life and laugh. My tip to extend your vision is to go outside, look into the sky and wonder where it all ends, the truth is it can't, so anything is possible if you think about it.(in my opinion)

  4. For me the question has to be what is a Ghost an Angel or who and what was God, I doubt they are anything like what we perceive them to be today. The thing is theres to many things our tiny little brains cant get to comprehend and most narrow minded people will just throw out everything that cant be proved, you have to experiment with ideas and who knows one day they could turn out to be true. One thing I do know is that life is short so don't spend too much time worrying about it.

  5. For those of you who were interested the Trial in Tunstall Forest was dificult to say the least, plenty of mud and plenty of people falling off. As for any abductions I noticed people disappearing as the Trial progressed but I think this was down to them giving up and going home.

    Just ride in your underpants, they will find you, you are ready!

    Tried this and not 100% sure if it worked as I can't remember doing sections 7,8 & 9 the full amount. Anyway heres the evidance...TRIAL IN PANTS

    Well done Chris for the footage.

  6. nicbrrghs, just a couple of things to check, what sprocket sizes are you using as I find 12T front and 51T rear works best for me. If it bogs down like you say have a look at this website it gives some very good tips on pin pointing carb problems....CLICK HERE

  7. Nigel Dabster, sori abowt mi spelin dint fink et wuz er ishu, duz u fink der aleyuns wownt wont mi cuz i kunt spill. az ur sa cleffa duz ya fink iz shud jus wair ma unda panz lyk copemech sirgest en duz ya fink dat KY jel iz eny gud coz i duz git ungri wen dowin trialz, duz ya fink et wud b er nyce lital sernak.

  8. Scott, I would love to knock out loads of those air boxes as I'm sure they would sell, the only problem is the one I made started off as a cardboard mould which I had to destroy as the fibreglass was laid on top of it. Thats not to say its not possible to reproduce one or more its just the memory of how long that one took me to make and its putting me off. Perhaps I should look into it further, who knows you might even get a free sample. I have spent a stupid amount on it which I will never get back, but then I wont be selling it.

  9. I will be doing a trial in Tunstall forest, Suffolk, this Sunday and its a real special place for me as its next to Rendlesham Forest which is where this happened..UFO's

    I love the thought of there being such things as UFO's and love the thought of being obducted, so has anyone got any good idea's as to what I might do to encourage the Aliens to obduct me whilst I'm doing this trial on Sunday.

  10. nicbrrghs, 4th from the top should be ok but its up to you to play around with the settings and the 1 and 1/2 turns out on the pilot slow run screw is only a start point.

    and providing you dont do anything really stupid with them you'll get back what you paid for it months or years later.

    Scott its too late gone way past that point about a year ago

  11. Can I have a matter of opinion to, my fork tubes are set 18mm above the top yoke and have found them to be much better than flush. The bike tended to rear up at the tops of hill sections and there was more flexing in the forks when flush. Still a crap Trials rider but I do enjoy it none the less.

  12. Thanks for that bit of info I did think about a flat side carb,.HERE

    They do look good, I like the look of the OKO 3030 24mm with the perspex float bowl.

    worldtrialchamp, do you know if they come pre set with the correct pilot and main jets, I know there could be some difference between the UK and Australian settings required.

  13. Was just thinking about whats the next best mod to carry out on my TY175 and was wondering if any one out there, probably you guys in the states would know, what are the modifications that are carried out by BJ Racing regarding the head and barrel.


  14. Could be what has been mentioned or it could under the clutch housing where there is an adjuster and some springs that keep the selector arm in the correct position,one of the springs could be weak or broken. Best bet would to be to get yourself a Haynes manuel where all will be explained.

  15. Blocky, I cleaned the hubs with wet and dry paper(wet),primed them,used some car wheel spray paint and then car wheel lacquer, I was going to get them powder coated but thought I would probably have problems with the thickness of the coating where the spoke heads sit.

  16. Hi Scott, yes I did have to adjust the mixture screw as it was running a little lean due to the extra air,I then fitted some Boyesen reed valves which made it weaker still and ended up with the mixture screw nearly all the way in,so I then fitted the next size up on the pilot jet (27.5) and the mixture screw is now back out to about 1.5 turns.Now running out of things to do on it,I have just rebuilt a pair of wheels with some stainless spokes and they look pretty good even if I do say so myself, just aint fitted them yet.

  17. As ScottT mentioned I made a new air box for my TY175 its now been fitted and tested on several trials and has improved the air flow,so I would say have a go at trying to improve yours if you can. Mine looks like this airbox1.jpgairbox7.jpg

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  18. Hi, just a thought but have you tried your local Yamaha dealer as a lot of parts for these bikes are still available and dont always cost much. If not try contacting one of the guys who sell parts for TY's on Ebay as they could probably help.

    Regards Andy.

  19. For those of you who were interested, done a trial today which was set out for modern and classic bikes with plenty of steep hill climbs. I thought the bike had enough demanding sections to give me an opinion on as to wether the Boyesen reed valves gave any benefits, all's I can say is that it did appear to be more crisper of the throttle and at no point did it lack power. I would like to point out that the original reeds and reed cage were in as new condition before fitting, so the improvement could not be down to just fitting the new Boyesen's. My mate gave my bike a spin and he thought the same as me and that was that it had improved.

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    • Thanks 2
  20. Hi, I have only just fitted some Boyesen reed valves to my TY175 and have only had chance to give it a ride around the garden,I did have to adjust the slow running mixture to increase the richness as per instructions but I would say it is more responsive.I would like to say that I have spent quite a lot of money on the engine getting it just right and I think that if you have a bike that is a bit on the knackered side then fitting the Boyesens will probably not improve it.I should be doing a classic trial in a few weeks time so I will let you know how the bike performs all round.

    Regards Andy.

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