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Posts posted by rennie
  1. I asked a civil question, I was not moaning and I am not surprised you don't get help from anyone if that is the way you speak to people.

    I don't know what your other responsibilities are and perhaps if you'd explained how busy you are in a more pleasant manner you would probably have had offers of help by now.

    The feelings I have for you now can't be put in words, well they could but I'm too polite to vent them in public. I'm deeply offended at being called a moaning sod and anyone who knows me would be shocked and surprised to here me described that way.

  2. Ther's no Expert class results on the Bradford Website and the ACU website has only the final Championship standings. It's now Tuesday night and in the age of technology why are we having to wait so long for comprehensive accurate results?

    There's no Expert class results on the Bradford Website and the ACU website has only the final Championship standings. It's now Tuesday night and in the age of technology why are we having to wait so long for comprehensive accurate results?

  3. The thing is the Crackpot trial's not a Novagar it's a Yorkshire Centre Championship - Expert, intermediate and Novice. If people read the regs before they set off they'd know what they were letting themselves in for. This applies to all trials. Richmond club put on some club trials where the only youth class is "A", with good reason, it allow those that set it out to plot a route and put sections on that are a little more challengeing, but they still get "C" class kids turning up to ride. I don't know if its over eager parents who think little Jonny is capable of riding harder stuff, the end result is usually little kids getting stuck in sections, having to be pulled out and holding everyone up. I would probably be rude and tell them they can't ride and either go home or take an observers board but the secretary is far too polite and allows them to ride up a class.

  4. Both my son and daughter rode the Crackpot trial on Sunday they also did the 3 day back in July. From the feed back I got from them, they both thought it was a good trial. Mat said it was a different lap from previous years which made it feel like a different trial. He commented that some of the sections on Sunday had been hard route sections in the 3 day and were pretty tough. I don't think this is a problem as long as you've got some sections in there that everyone can clean. Someone once said to me when setting out a trial you should have a third of the sections that everyone can clean, a third that the decent centre riders can clean and the final third that only the best riders will clean. Looking at the results it appears that this has happened. I agree with Perce re the Scott trial entrants, if they can't manage Crackpot are they wasteing an entry in the Scott! After all if a 17 year old girl can finish on Sunday with a good number of cleans what hope is ther for the lads that quit. It was a centre trial set to a standard of a centre championship.

  5. We've found with the van and a caravan Sea France has usually been the cheapest but don't do it off their website got to www.ferrysavers.com. Prices seem to go up the later you leave it so get on there now. I agree with the previous post we've arrived an hour early and they've let us get on the earlier boat. We even arrived 11 hours late (bit of mix up between 1am and 1pm) I thought we were early..........they still let us on, no problem and no extra to pay.

  6. We've been fancying going to the French 4 days so I've downloaded an entry form but I've got one or two questions if anyone can help? The major thing is that it states that under 16years have to ride a 50cc bike, is this something new or has it always been the rule? I thought there were quite a few British kids that have ridden this event in the past. Also what licences do we need? It mentions on the entry form - Bike's grey card, assurance testimonial, driving licence and medical certifiacte. We've ridden European Championships before but it wasn't as complicated as this! Is there camping on the start field or do you have to find a camp site somewhere close by? If someone turns up on the day are they likely to be able to get an entry or is there no hope, I only ask this because there is one of our party who is unsure whether he will be able to get time off work and doesn't want to spend 100 euros on an entry and then find he can't make it. Any help whould be much appreciated.

  7. I'm afraid that my daughter is one of those who hasn't entered. The reason is quite simple in our case - economics. Becca has decided that she would rather do the Novagar Championship this year, 10 rounds all more traditional one lap events (we'll miss 2 rounds because they clash with more local trials). This is the type of trial she prefers and after all this is a hobby that we do for enjoyment. We only have a certain amount of time and money and therefore have decide to spend it on the events she likes best. She's doing the Scottish and the Loch Lomond two day along with numerous other Nationals - The Bemrose, Cleveland, Jack Leslie Ellis, Gerald Simpson, Reeth 3 Day, Isle of Man etc in fact there are very few weekends without an event.

    I'm sorry that we're not supporting the Ladies Championship but sometimes you just have to be selfish and do what you want. If the speed that the entries fill up for the above mentioned trials is anything to go by a lot of people feel the same way.

  8. It's good to see that they're putting on a 125cc class and an over 40s class in the Novagar Championship. Any chance of a ladies class? I know there would be a number of girls who enjoy riding this sort of event that would be interested. It would encourage them all the more if there were championship points to be won.

  9. As the mother of one of the acu acadamy riders I can only only sing the acu's praises. My daughter, yes she's a girl! has attended both on bike and off bike training, all paid for by the acu, or should I say the members of the acu. I am under no illusion about her abilities, I know she's no Laia Sanz but should she be denied the chance to improve her riding just because she's a girl? Last year we travelled to France and Italy to European rounds and our eyes were well and truly opened to the way Spain, Italy and even France support their young riders. Not just vans but huge articulated lorries arrived bringing the whole Italian and Spanish teams , complete with mechanics, minders etc. I couldn't help thinking how we looked like the poor relations in all this. I do feel that more could be done to help the likes of Tom Sagar, James Dabill, Michael Phillipson, etc who have to try and hold down a job, attend university, practice, and travel to as many events as is possible. Rabie don't be so selfish, if I won the lottery I would without hesitation support the up and comeing young riders, but that's just a dream!

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