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Posts posted by bill.m
  1. I don't suppose anybody out there has ever had any digital photos printed on a lightjet printer ? A lightjet uses lasers to expose photographic paper and is supposed to give much improved clarity and longevity compared to inkjets. The biggest catch is that the prints don't come cheap and the proccess is most suitable for large prints. Anyone got any recommodations on who to use (prefferably in the UK) before I splash out my cash.


  2. Good Trial right until the rain came on wasn't quite so funny then !! A small selection of pictures have been put in the gallery. For the full gallery Click Here

    If anyone is missing and would like to see themself e-mail me and I will see what I have. If you haven't seen the results then unless you are this guy you didn't win !!


  3. I can't honestly recommend the 300D. If you have the cash buy a 10D which is a vastly superior camera to the Nikon D70. If you buy a 300D the lack of control will bug the crap out of you once you have mastered the basics. The 300D is basically a 10D in a plastic body with half of the control software missing. Just so as you know Andy also uses a 10D.

    The best website I know of for unbiased opinions is www.dpreview.com The guy there certainly knows his stuff. My friend had to pay full price for his D70. This is mainly due to the fact that it is very new and is still in short supply. Apologies for the delay in my reply but I too have been in Fort William. Pictures to follow shortly. :D

  4. I use the Canon EOS 10D myself but I have had the chance to use both the 300D and the D70. If you don't have a collection of lenses to fit either then I would recommend you buy the Nikon D70 because the Canon has been crippled due to the removal of a large number of features from the software. The biggest flaw in my opinion is the inability to change focusing modes at will. A friend of mine bought a D70 and I can confidently tell you that you will not be disappointed at the results. However if you can stretch to it. the 10D is still a superior camera. Hope this helps. B)

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