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Posts posted by toeneybow
  1. Guess you would think there to be no harm in sending the kids to a website you use and trust! to get the results from the last trial.... Well beware the one posted below, you may get a shock when you see the results printed off.

    Is this what you would expect on your clubs website to be seen by the world... is this what you would expect to see on a ACU affilliated club website, i do also beleive he is the Northern Centre's trials recorder... Whilst not the worst thing you have seen on the web i'm sure, it still ranks high in being totally inappropriate and a disgrace to the small trialing world we live in...

    I'm not sure it will offend totally! many adults, but like i said, what about little Johnny trials rider seeing how he did last sunday....

    I'm sure it may go soon, but for those who want to see how low people go, click here(adults only)


  2. well think the lack of replies says much of how it must of been more to peoples liking this year, and its no coincidence that being easier is the answer, end of.....

    and for all those selfish individuals that say at times that trials arent hard enough, study the information below and see how similar the results are, whilst the severity was very different....

    2010 National - 6 dropped and first into 100s is 33rd Clubman - 14 dropped and first into 100s is 51st

    2009 National - 14 dropped and first into 100s is 26th Clubman - 32 dropped and first into 100s is 36th

    2009 2010

    Dabill Dabill

    Brown Brown

    Haslam Haslam

    Richardson Danby

    Wigg Wiggins

    Danby Thorpe

    Thorpe Phillipson

    Brice Morphet

    Fry Austermule

    Challoner Brice

    Baker Chilton

    Ludgate Richardson

    Austermule Baker

    Pearson Sadler

    Farrer Pearson

    Shirt Carr

    Chilton Ludgate

    will let you draw your own parallels from the above, but the trial overal is not as healthy as it has been, but the easing of the route will only help this in my beleif. having not been for a few years, i was surprised by the lack of crowd/hangers on this year, with it being almost ghostly beyond the riders. there was little to no crack in the start area both at the beginning and end of the day. there was always a buzz at the start area and this was very lacking. i didnt stop over to judge what the pubs were like, but do hope it was better after a few drinks was had by those attending. hopefully the trend will be to keep the sections sensible and hope that the buzz will return.... keep up the good work!

  3. Time I had my three pennorth's worth.

    As you can see, laptop is working at the moment, but can't guarantee for how long.

    I do not know who Toneybow is, as unfortunately contributors are able to hide behind a pseudonym, however, I don't, so when I write it is immediately apparent who it is by.

    Now then Mr Bow. I assume you were a rider, if so, you will have arrived at my van where my daughter relieved you of your punch card, totalled it up and immediately added it to the results board which was in the van, trying to be kept dry in the pouring rain. Once the last rider had finished, she travelled one mile down the road and took it into the annex where you signed on. There it stayed, out of the rain until just about everybody had gone home.

    If you had taken the opportunity to ask, or indeed find out for yourself, the full results were available and on display, less than 10 minutes after the last rider had finished. Can't say that is too bad myself, but you obviously think differently.

    Having got the results out and on display, I considered that I had done enough for the day, particularly as transferring the results from the board to a computer file for all to read was going to take me an hour and a half. When I reached home, I washed my bike, cleared out my van, LOADED IT FOR WORK IN THE MORNING, had a shower and wrote the sidecar trial report from the previous day.

    It was my plan to prepare a file for publication on Monday evening, indeed I did, but at the crucial moment, everything died - fortunately the file had been saved, and on Tuesday morning, I tried again and hey presto, the laptop was back in action and I was able to load up the file to Trials Central.

    Did I fail, arguably yes, but all I want from technology is for it to work, and it didn't!

    Just to make you feel really humble (impossible I think), I was at Torver on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I rode the course with Norman Cooper on Friday to check the sidecar sections. Having signed everybody on, Saturday morning, I observed three sections on Saturday and made a number of section alterations as it became apparent that the trial was on the hard side for the clubmen.

    On Sunday again I signed everybody on and again observed a number of sections. I also had to make the decision to cut out three sections and re-route the trial as the river had become impassable, before doing all that I have described above.

    Do I want a medal for all this, of course not as I was simply part of a team. Cooperman spent hours doing all the section marking with Andy Wilkinson, whilst many others did their fair share.

    I could go on, but to get to the point, results were there for you and everybody else to see, and they were on Trials Central as soon as technology allowed. If you do ride in trials at which I am involved, you will also know that results are always up and on show about half eight every Sunday night, and the same time on Thursdays after a Wednesday evening trial.

    That's my lot, now I wonder if you'll have the guts to say who you are. I bet not!

    Mike Rapley

    appreciate all you did, i put a very constructive comment about the event followed by a tongue in cheek one purely because my first post had been moved(its like a soap...) so didnt see your reply... i totally respect all you did and like you said you tried! it was an awful day and all deserved a medal, had big brother not moved the first thread we wouldnt be here now....... only one other thing, never assume.... if i had not had to leave asap for my journey home, i would of taken great pleasure in staying longer, i couldnt, so i put a thread on here to ask if anyone knew any results, (in the wrong place.... i didnt read the big and bold, oh and red too rules of the forum tidier!) wish id never asked now....

  4. Andy has been demoted :banana2:

    Right Toneybow (you wish) your getting a bit flustered lad about the speed of results for your days enjoyment.

    Mike probably helped set out both trials the Sidecar and the Twin Shock prior to the weekend, if not he definately as seretery was taking entries for both days and probably left after the last rider finished on both days (you had probably long gone by then), he might have even picked up an observers board and helped out for that thankless task?? I am sure Mike will correct me if I am wrong maybe he did more maybe he did less but he did his fair share!!

    He then apologises to all for not getting the results up quick enough because his computer was playing up (yes Mike has said that secretery's should post quicker, but it was out of his control), but you still choose to bitch..QUALITY :huh:

    Oh by the way Mike has also a full time job and writes an article every week that you chose to read, but he gave up all of his free time at the weekend so you could enjoy yourself, so what if the results were late you still go to work Monday and will still ride at the weekend, carry on bitching and all these willing helpers will disapear, then you would really have something to moan about.

    By the way the reults are out now so you can phone your mates and say 'Na Na Na Na Na I beat you!!!!''

    always best if you dont know who your talking about to say very little about them, its best to first think, then comment, you choose just to comment.... lots of wide sweeping remarks, most of which are wrong, best to engage brain before balls....

  5. wipes eyes with tissue... not without respect here and this all started with me asking if anyone had heard any results, followed by a tongue in cheek go at a guy i know and who loves quick results, had i not had my thread removed/moved by big brother (forum tidier...) i would of seen the reply and not needed to send my second post. your straight into the character assassinations and you dont even know what i am or what i do... brilliant aye, just a presumption that i do nothing! well try the fact that so far this year! i have organised 9 motorcycle events, two of which were nationals and you might calm down.... no matter what you say, the original post was constructive, you removed/moved it, (big brother, sorry, forum tidier) so i re posted, had you left it alone and i had seen Mikes reply, we wouldnt be here now, next time might be better not to presume all people who have an opinion do nothing...

  6. tut tut naughty old me, the audacity to put something in "general trials talk" the one with the big and bold red writing, tut tut again..... erm what was my topic? if it wasn't general trials talk...... will so try to do better in the future, big brother! oh sorry forum tidier.... either its a forum or it isnt, my original thread asked if anyone knew the results and constructively commented about the event, you then tell me to look at the answer to my thread after you have moved it, er how exactly am i supposed to know big brother has moved it???? to find the answer, i did look where id left it! and it wasn't there... bet you were a milk monitor weren't you! nuf said, suggest you put in big and bold! oh and red too, dont put anything i might not like......

  7. bitching aye? nah dont think so.... making a point more like! as for posting to my post, tell me where it is and i would of, its not in the forum where i put it and it isnt even on my personal list of posts. i can access it thru that link but cant find it anywhere else, is it big brother all of a sudden, or is it freedom of speech.... seems its big brother, and if thats the case, big brother everything or nothing! if you cared to highlight my first post like you have the one before this you will notice i had high praise for the trial between the flags, also if you hadnt choose to remove it, i would not of needed to re post here.... big brother caused my second post, i wonder who he is!!

  8. just a quick post to know if anyone has any results, as i write this mid morning on monday, still not seen any results..... very wet but a great trial heres to many more like this, oh and btw another road based trial in the north..... long may these continue, if you werent there, you did miss a brilliant trial! the entry was good in number, and also full of quality riders taking part. If i was totally critical, i would say, while the start venue was hard standing, it was quite small to fit all and catering a little poor, no food available afer the trial and the pub not serving food till 6pm. It had been a long wet day, and a hot bacon buttie and brew would of been well appreciated for riders, helpers and observers come the finish. That said, dont let that take anything from a top notch trial between the flags....

  9. the clip didnt look slick to me, in fact very poor, i would of thought freestyle trials would of been a load of indoor trial type sections close together and ridden in the style and flair of the rider, and then judged on difficulty and style, only my thought.

    my other thought is slightly more serious, these bikes are not designed for this, so how long before a frame brakes or suspension or wheel collapse..... and the potential injury that goes with it. im sure the serious will do bike strengthening and mods, but most wont, to me the organisers are taking a very big risk, and if insured, im sure the insurance company will not cover this as soon as it is realised what is being done on these bikes and what they are designed for, i bet this also worries the manufacturers..... as we know no one is safe in the world of litigation!

  10. great to see that the "so Called" simplist of sections, has taken marks from the best...... unfortuneately as an organiser i dont have the events to prove that this was possible, but i have always had the opinion that it could, i just cant or couldnt prove it myself. so its with great pleasure to see that martin, who did have the oportunity, duly showed us it would...... big praise to martin as im sure it would be easy to do just what johnny foreigner does, and just put indoor sections, outdoors.... the sad thing is, it wont be copied and it will prob be a couple of years at least before martin gets the oportunity again and we will probably of seen another twenty or so alterations to the rules by then!!!, to suit..... trials is a very easy concept, which is totally wrecked at world level and those that choose to copy it at brit rounds..... would add my appreciation to all the guys responsible for bringing us this "world trials round!" to our shores and hope one day that it will return to man and machine versus the "natural" terrain with the rules that we started with, and if your in doubt, that means, failure equals a 5.... simple aye!!! thanks once again :rolleyes:

  11. :rotfl: my comments were made to ask if this kind of btc is what is needed for our next world champ? the temperatures have been low for a long period and were forecast to be very low that weekend, so is frost a reasonable excuse? what did they expect, dust..... to comment that the top riders want it harder is not a way to operate, if the lesser lights said they want it easier, would they be made easier???? what we need is thought and a plan, and yes a plan b if its not happening, there is im told two courses and it runs very like a green route trial where the middle course runs a mixture of sections, surely the sections could of been eased from section one onwards and the changes implemented as the trial progressed with an initial time out of say half an hour, would anyone of really disagreed to a small delay, resulting in a better event.

    one more point, i spoke to a rider who was on the podium today and had a little banter with him about the event, i then asked him what he learnt from the trial, his answer... "i learnt how to push" were his exact words! i wonder with that new learnt talent whether he will be able to improve his result at his next big trial be it btc, wtc or national!!!!

    if one thing should be learnt by organisers, it should be that if you take trials at whatever level, to the highest level of posability/imposability!! it will have a far higher chance of biting you in the ass! than it will of working and being sucessful.

    i always feel a section if its set as a hard one in a trial is a success with only one clean, but realistically its a success too with a few cleans still, if the best done is a one say or two, its still not a disaster, but if a section takes five from all, where was the gain? all might as well of cleaned it because it gave no differentiation to the result. sometimes that is bad luck, and you get one in a trial, but this trial was full of them, is that still bad luck, should btc be decided on luck?

    one thing for sure this trial will never be forgotten by the riders..... well done to all who finished, i just dont think it was right and i hope lessons are learnt, and the acu asks some searching questions to why we had a trial like this, at this level, and also that it tries to stop this happening again, and before anyone says these things happen, surely they got the round on their experience so things like this cant happen, this wasnt a novice set up, setting up a top level trial for the first time....... this is land they have had and used for years remember!

    its easy to bash, i can assure you that isnt my way or my point, i just feel there is better ways to our next world champ.... :rotfl:

  12. over 2300 views, only 20 replies! says to me people are interested in what went on, but weren't really shocked, and couldn't ultimately give a hoot about a series so out of touch with reality. No real strong comments to say they got it right, a few to show concern about what happened, but again not too strong. there lies the problem.... no one cares less anymore, they really have killed the btc, not this event in truth, it was already dead!! but these happenings just push people even further away from it. a select circus, with a few riders, bulked out with classes, so people can just say to family friends and maybe sponsors, that they ride in the British Championships......

    unrealistic trials are set, that test the rules and the observers nerve to give marks, this trial turned out so hard that i cant see where an excuse can come from, oh wait a minute, lets blame the weather.... that always works, well maybe at a clubby trial? but this is a btc, do we not expect better, better planning, better fore thought, and at least a plan b, i'm not sure how many courses there are, but i presume at least 3, 2 at worst, if they all rode the easiest course i presume it would of been a test still or a mix between all courses.

    we or should i say the so called top of the sport live in a dream world of jonny being the next world champion, where a rock step to the moon wouldnt be big enough... do we really think this produces the next world champ... i dont think so, world champs are special in so many ways, and they become world champ thru natural skill, that is honed in practice and competition, although this isnt dead acurate, basically the practice improves the riding, and they practice all kinds of things, many you wouldnt see in a competition for many reasons, competition hones the riding under pressure, more the mental side, and obviously if it all works, then that brings the results too. making trials almost impossible acheives very little though, how many just switched off, or just gave in to a five a lot earlier and easier than they normally would of, how many just tried to rive to the end cards to possibly get a three, with no finess and no skill as such..... how many approached and rode the sections in a manner that they normally would of? few if any i bet....

    this trial was a disaster and dont fool yourself to think any different, ask all the riders what new things they learnt that will benefit them in the next round?? this trial was a result of people thinking they know what they are doing, when in reallity they are dreaming. this trial came on the back a very similar schoolboy round...... time to go back to the drawing board, think what were doing and where were trying to go? if this was so right, then i expect all rounds to be of a similar result with near maximums from all but a few, see how many riders keep entering then.... i once cleaned a trial! and the simplest of sections became mountains, under the pressure of staying clean.... now i dont say btc should have someone clean, but it does teach concentration and mental strength!! im sure dibbs didnt have to show too much of that at this event.....

    so easy to criticise things, and being someone who has worked a lot for motorbiking in all areas from riding helping and organising, i dont just criticise for the sake of it, far from it, but i have passion, a will to win and a will for our lads to be the next world champ, but i do really think were kidding ourselves if we think this is the way!! we must learn that this was wrong, totally wrong and strive for this not to happen again, i'm sure the spectators loved it, as although they didnt get the chance to applaud cleans too often, the other side of human nature is to take joy in others suffering!! so much enjoyment had i would think.... but dont take that false enjoyment as a platform to think you did ok.

    i have been to this venue once before and it strikes me as not a very natural place as things have been carved out a lot and apart from gradiant, there is very little natural unless i havent seen it all, but i didnt see running becks, natural rocksteps only soil and gradiant and man made sections, great when you have a summer round, but no plan b section wise maybe when its like it was. Should they have just stuck more sections in or altered once it was seen what was happening, i know not easy, with public there, and health and safety and probably risk assessments etc but then that is why places like this shouldnt be used in winter maybe! all easy to say and is only one round, but you have to think this wasnt round one of a clubby trial and more is expected at this level.

    bottom line is, the more we try to go to the limit of ability, the more chance this will happen, what was the mindset behind the trial, what did the c of the c expect or want marks wise to be dropped from the winner in each class, cause im sure it wasnt this, but how hard did he want it, was it too hard even for a good day(prob unanswerable) but acu i think should set a guide, acu should expect a explanation and i feel a public explanation should be given, to try and understand what happened, i dont want to shoot the c of the c, far from it, just like to know his thoughts, was any plan b impossible? fair enough if it wasnt.

    i'm just gob smacked that this happens and nothing is really said...... from anywhere.... c of the c, club, riders, acu, sponsors..... was it bad luck or bad or over optimistic planning?

    a bit of a ramble i agree, but just trying to put many points forward, and to also ask what others think, is this the way forward, is this a one off, is this what we need for the next world champ, i'm a great beleiver that world champs are born and become world champ whatever, they have the skill and mental strength and adapt as needed, this would never be accepted as a world round, so how can it ever hone someone to be world champ, the top riders would of downed tools at this event for sure, i did see someone ask how toni bou would of done, well i dont think he would of beat dibbs, he would of had the bike back in the camper along with all the others and been on his way home.....

  13. :o with scores like that there is no doubting they got it wrong, everyone will have an opinion, some for and some against, but ask me where the gain is to have the best rider in the country on 80 and going down the order we nearly have a maximum. i presume the weather was good, i really cant see any justification for the scores.... just a further nail in the coffin for btc.... the riders would of been far better off at the Milnthorpe Cup, where they would of experienced a real trial with real sections..... and the sort of event that would of been a btc round of yesteryear, when will the circus of fake events end and the return made to what is trials. oh i forgot, its all in the hunt for the next world champ...... stop dreaming!!! wake up see sense and next time come for a ride round the Lakes! by the way, yes many markers were moved, but this was rectified in the morning(nothing new beleive me) and should not have had too adverse an effect on the event. also point of note, the trial doesnt have planning permission as it doesnt need it, they dont have that much hold on us yet!! why are we allowing people to wreck our sport at the top, what should be an event remembered for all the right reasons, will now be remembered for all the wrong reasons, get a grip and stop spoiling our sport.... look forward to seeing the comments on how they got it so right! :)
  14. i thnik you make some good points and sure some will take you to task on some things you say, but i think the points you are making are on the right road if not quite perfect, but you do point that out yourself. there is many things that could happen, its just a case of how willing all parties are to change and firstly accepting that what exists isnt right. one thing i would like to see or arrange is a venue, with various types of sections and various difficulties being set and riders invited from all abilities to attend on invite basis from the top world level to a good centre round level of rider, then lets just see what can be ridden, what cant, what stops them what doesnt and so on, using different rules that are in existance, time allowances per section and no time at all. then lets see how everyone does, what takes marks, what doesnt, basically a very honest test day. then from that a true picture could be painted and lets see what rules work, what dont, what type of sections etc... yes kinda complicated but not really, i just get sick of ppl saying you cant do this or you cant do that, this doesnt work or that doesnt work. lets see honestly what does work or doesnt, what they can ride, what stops them, what doesnt. not sure if this has been officially tried, but to my mind would be interesting. if the top foreigners didnt want to take part, we got some very able british riders at a very high level. i hear people say oh that wont stop them or this wont stop them, lets see? lets see how hard the sections really need to be to take marks....

    just a thought!!!!!!! but one id love to watch...

  15. always amazes me how rappers and other people write columbs or posts, some of many length and ppl must read it all, then reply to one or two lines of the whole post!! their right yes, but in my opinion generally reflects there real life, dont care about anything, but what directly effects them, and no desire to see a point or problem or whatever from another's angle....

    i personally think rappers is wrong on his previous stance and always have, maybe 15years service doesnt help my thought process, but to now change his mind makes the mind boggle, you mention two world wars and not being born, now i no historian but there has been wars since then and ongoing, involving death and serious injury and bereavement to many families. so what has changed.... to actually change your mind? cause the reasons dont stack up. its called respect for one day, giving up one day for all those who gave there life for your 364 days of fun. enough said you get my point, will add one other thing, while the riders take a day off, some reluctantly!!! the workers of many centres will still be working, meeting for agm's so riders can still ride for, yes you guessed it, 364 days of the year!!

    my second point is your question to low turn outs on national courses..... winners score doesnt look too bad, but how hard did he have to try for 14, is the true answer, looking from outside in it doesnt look too bad, think low entry numbers can happen for a few reasons on hard course, previous year maybe being too hard(not saying this one was, just an example) time of year, this one being a saturday, people riding another national and finding too hard so moving to easy course here as precaution whether right or wrong, prob other reasons too, but would say main reason is they generall far too hard nationals as a whole. this drives more people onto easy course and makes hard course worse as it then dont scrub in either.... untill hard courses are sorted country wide then you wont solve problem, what is even more annoying is the course clubs alter is then the easy course to make it harder cause it got better riders on it now....... is that irish or is it me????? when will clubs see sence and put dougie lampkin sections in when he turns up and leave them out when he doesnt..... im sure you get my point. most of the good big events dont lack riders, they just not riding the hard course, simple problem to solve..... do it as the saying goes!!

    as for people bitching about what courses people ride i would say two things, concentrate on your own ride, and dont judge peoples decision when you have the knowledge of how hard or easy the day was, people have to make that choice on entering, not half way round or after the finish...

    last thing, honest.... whilst you always get the right winner on the hard course and he gets all the headlines, you rareley get the right winner on the easy course and the wrong person always gets the plaudits..... thats the real injustice of a hard course thats set way too hard, joe average suffers!!!

  16. i read with interest about the lakes, yes been there done that, and the manx many times too... i also read with interest the well known names in the top end of the results on the clubman course, including winner, a certain Roger Wiliams, anyone heard of him!! if i remember rightly he used to ride an odd event in the northern centre, on the easy course you may ask? no as a very capeable expert on the hard course as a real prospect of winning the trial!! its about time Mr Rapley wrote what i think he would maybe think(do concede if im wrong) but where is the manx and the lakes heading? Mr Williams this year, who next, Steve Saunders, sure birks could have a pass too... wont complete the list as it would be massive, and it is the same at the manx too. both trials are brilliant, the lakes i know is surrounded by good guys and im sure the manx is too, but you are getting one thing wrong....

    your national course is set for maybe 3 people, 5 on a good day, every section is at too high an intensity, i think it even fair to say, the section plotters even set out as though its a competition between them to set the hardest sections. this causes a trial suitable to 3 and although the national course seemed well attended this year, this will be short lived. what the plotters dont realise is mighty steps and very risky jumps are food and drink to these boys, they practice it all week. these guys lose marks where joe average cleans, lapse of concentration, niggly cambers or tree roots simple beck bottoms, what you call natural sections, by the way the lake district is filled with just this type!!! end result? well the end result is a course far too hard for very accomplished riders just like Mr Wiliams! so what happens? what happens is many give the lakes a go at national level, then do one of three things, plug on year on year, not enter, or hey why dont i enter the clubman class..... many do the latter, argh no problem you think? well no problem if your them, but a big problem for the rest, the true novice riders, taking part in an end of year social trial, a trial which without doubt gives the best routes of any trial held in the northern centre, a trial they should be able to come and enjoy, possibly have a good ride..... whoops wrong. what you novice riders forgot was that the organisers coc ked the national course up, and so half the countries experts are now on your course..... whoops again? well yes, they aint going to have to ride your level of course, they now need it harder apparently... so now the clubman course ends up way harder than it needs to be, 36th is the first man into a three figure score, the course is won on 32 2nd is 43, this course used to be won on less than 10 by riders who then should have been on the national course had it been suitable....

    i could go on but i wont, i made my point but will put some recommendations below...

    first point, the top riders in this event are full time, dont go to work monday, and certainly dont buy there bikes or their spares....

    national course, 40 sections split into several groups with a ratio of about every 8th section being a star section(placed maybe where good spectator parking) thats roughly 5 a day, make them work for a clean or even to get thru but that is all you need, use skill and craft to make the other sections enjoyable to ride, use length and not always ultimate difficulty. winning score wasnt bad for winner but could still be less, 4th was nearly double 3rd's score!! this is a non championship end of season social trial, where the ultimate section difficulty is maybe! too hard, definately the way it is hard is wrong, but where it is really wrong, is the difficulty intesity over the 80 sections.

    getting the national course right results in the very good riders riding the course that they are intended too, this then allows the clubman course to be eased dramatically making it an enjoyable for all riders on that course, by the way as i said earlier! three figures was reached by 36th place on this course.... having no stop should make it far easier to extract the marks so why make it so hard..... the more the winner drops! the quicker your into cricket scores for the others....

    ok now the light hearted bit,

    "The trial was fairly difficult, but with perhaps four exceptions, I felt that even at my level of ability, with a good ride I could clean every one, and that

  17. just to let you know that TT flyer and 15 times winner John McGuinness will once again take part in the Barbon Hill Climb, Barbon, nr Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria. joining John will be the very crazy World Famous Purple Helmets..... yes its true! for a couple of proformances, also on display will be the Paul Bird Motorsport team, showing the Kawasaki world Superbikes as well as possibly 2 times World Enduro Champion, David Knights new Kawasaki enduro weapon.... gates open 9-00am Saturday 1st August 2009. there is a chance that some other top riders wont want to be outdone and may well turn out, Stuart Easton lying 3rd in the BSB is said to be there, in 2007 Steve Plater and Michael Rutter attended and dont be surprised if one doesnt come to wander the paddock this year. Add in the possability of James Ellison and you really do have a who's who of Tarmac racers. its access all areas, so you really can join them in the paddock as well as take in all the other attractions of this small event hosted by the Westmorland Motor Club. You really will enjoy this venue, set in the parkland of the Barbon Manor overlooking the countryside of the Lune Valley. dont miss out, its only

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