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Posts posted by markfitton
  1. with any sport its the referee who makes the decision some are right and some are wrong. As long as its a consistant decision everything is still fair ( against the rules or not). Things usually even themselves out, your main competitor might have been penalised somewhere else evening things up.

    Try playing squash with lets and strokes !! where a match can be decided on a bad call.

    Glad Im at the enjoyment stage and not bothered about winning just in it for the fun.

    One last thing markers should be appreciated in any situation on a trial for giving up there time so somebody else can ride. I would never treat one disrespectfully even if I did question the score. Most people when tackled in a polite way are responsive but when abused can act in a completely different manner.


  2. Hi

    I was in exactly the same situation as you. Went to hawkstone and tried several demo bikes ,I did the best on the last one I tried, the sherpa ,but it was the first time I had been on a trials bike for 30 years so I put this down to it being the third ride in a couple of hours.

    If you havent been on a bike for some time you have no experience with which you can make a rational judgement. I couldnt really tell one from the other. | bought a new 07 beta 250 in the end which was the one I liked the look of the best ( shallow or what) but after listnening to other peoples comments as well, especially the easier maintenance.

    I am very happy with the bike and whilst being very nervous of the lively response at the begining I am now getting a bit more confident on the bike and have had 6 sessions on it the fourth being my first trial, incidently I came last, though I was happy just to finish.

    Go for it If you have a history witth bikes I am sure you will love it again.

    Good luck.

  3. HI guys

    you could do all of this in a LWB transporter though it would be tight, NO chance with a SWB of any make.

    Ive built three extra seats in the back (6 in total now) and can only just get my bike in the back diagonaly. THough there is a frame in there running lenghways about 10 " in, either side to support the bed if I Make this up. Even without this I think two would be pushing it . YOu would have to leave at least 2m in the back (bikes are all about this length) to get the three in side by side, which is possible but you wouldnt have much leg room for the seats.

    You can pick up the older T4 LWB now quite cheap though. Go on to VW website and it might still have the dimensions of the T4. If youve got the money though get the T5, supperb vans.

  4. Hi guys

    thanks for yopu input

    mine's an 07 in the manual its deff 550. A good point though about some staying in the cases. I hadnt thought about that.

    any way back to the oil at the moment Im using putoline light gear

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