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courtesy flush

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Everything posted by courtesy flush
  1. I'll be buying a trials bike soon and hoped I might get some good advice here before making my final choice. I'm a seasoned enduro/off-road racer of more than 30 years. I'm 48 years old (yesterday) stand 6'4" and weigh 180 lbs. with no gear. To date, I've been thinking Gas Gas 280 or 321, and will likely settle on a late model, used bike. First off, is there any particular brand that's any better suited for taller riders? Aside from the obvious condition of a bike, are there any "trials specific" issues to check for when inspecting a used trials bike? Besides dealer support, what other factors should I take into consideration? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Trials newbie here...can anyone direct me to the best site for trials wallpaper? I'm a recent trials convert from hundreds of years of enduro riding and need a new look for my computer.
  3. I've used Kerosene and an old toothbrush in a square cake pan for a long time and it works great. Just pour a little Kerosene in the pan and use the brush to clean each link. Then I hang it up from a hook on the ceiling of my garage, dry it off and lube with WD-40. Chains last forever with this treatment on a regular basis.
  4. Sad facts are...some people have actually fallen for this routine and are out thousands of dollars for the education. It's the used vehicle equivalent of the Nigerian bank account transfers. A person much wiser than myself once said..."if it seems too good to be true - it probably is."
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