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Everything posted by davidwa
  1. Good luck with the missus theluckyone - is that Gods back garden in Gods Own County?
  2. Good words Mr Lucas It's got to be fun and after all - it's the taking part not the winning that counts (unless you're any good of course). I have it on good authority that the 250f is a very rare beast in the UK so I'll keep an eye out but go 2 stroke for the time being.
  3. Thanks everyone - that's all very helpful. Looks like I'll be on a 2 stroke then... Cheers
  4. Hi - after riding and organising enduro's for more years than I care to admit, I've decided to give the trials game a go. I'm interested in a Scorpa SY250-F but am struggling to find much info and one for sale. If anyone has any advice or info I'd be most grateful. All the best, David
  5. davidwa

    Vintage Enduro

    Folks - here's an event we'd love you to enter... The Ryedale Rally is not an enduro - but it's a great opportunity to drag out the twinshock, classic or vintage old nail that you've had in the garage for ages and give it a gentle ride round the country lanes and forest paths and tracks of north yorkshire. The event is on 5th & 6th July and is designed to be non-competitive for most of the route, but with special tests to sort our the winners. In the main, you ride round a waymarked route, arrive at the time check early, have a chat and a fag with your mates and then set off again - brilliant! The Saturday covers about 120 miles and Sunday's about 85 - and you'll need to be road legal. There's basic camping (loos and water) and catering for the Saturday and Sunday. Full 1st aid cover, fuel transport for half way round and we'll try and make the sun shine too. Hope you can make it - here's a link for the entry forms. http://www.enduro-neec.org.uk/calendar.php Any questions, please ask via this website, or use the NEEC one attached. Cheers, David
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