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Posts posted by gasgasser
  1. Celine,

    I decided to change my bike just before we left for France, use to have a 250 Pro but have'nt had chance to change my login.

    The arena sections looked and were daunting for me anyway, that cable drum and drop off terified the **** out of me!!!!

    All in all a fantastic trip away, great sections laid out in fantastic countryside and I will be returning next year with some ample knee protection!!!!

  2. Hi Nickerlias,

    Yes I was the Flying Sherco, that new circus act touring europe. If anyone has it on video or has a photo I would be gratefull!!!

    I was also in action on Day 3, Tour 5 when that dastardly cable drum moved off the line as I lined up for the log ride and sent me way over those once pristine and straight Renthal bars and onto my a***!!!

    The bread was great but do they do sandwiches!!!!!

  3. Having just returned batered and bruised, but not dishartened from the French 4 Day trial held by the St Christophe ATC in Sardent, I have to say that the french have got it spot on.

    The organisation, route marking, section layout and facilities were second to none and would not be put off again by the 18 hour journey to get there. We travelled in an N Reg sprinter!!!

    Their attitude to motorsport in general is completely different to the UK, " it is more popular than football" I was informed one late evening while sharing a beer or two with the locals. Whole families were present at each section to witness, observe and cheer on the hearty souls who dared to take on all the french could offer!!!!

    Routes are Expert, S1, S2 and S3 and Plaisance. The latter generally means you can do the easy course and whatever loops or circuits you wish within the allocated time limit.

    For those interested, David Pye, MRS Sherco came second overall in S2 and had a brilliant ride, only beaten by a dastardly frenchman who should have been riding S1.

    The not so new Sherco is now in Team headquaters getting rebuilt for this weekends spectacular jaunt into the Swaledale peninsular for what must be described as one of the calender events of the trials year, the 3 Day Reeth Trial.

  4. Any fellow Gas Gas owners lucky enough to get a ride in two of the most

    sought after trials in Yorkshire, i.e the Gerald Simpson and Reeth 3 Day.

    I understand that both were filled after a few days!!!!

    Rode the GS last year but not Reeth, anybody got any tips!!!!

  5. Kickstarts are a problem on the 04 and 05 Pro's depending on your style and the size of your right boot!!!!

    Depending on your supplier and if you are still in that 6 months warranty period, a free kickstart shouldbe offered.

    Personally, I purchased my 250 Pro from Haven and their after sales services has been nothing but excellent!!!!

    I still have the original on mine, purchased August 2004!!! :rolleyes::(

  6. After returning from a disappointing Sheffield Arena trial, what happened to the crowd, were they all a sleep, I must say as a Gas Gas rider that the standard of rider by ALL participants was out of this world.

    It is a shame that some participants are not gentlemen and use measures of unsporting conduct to promote their existance in an enthralling trial.

    The performance of Adam Raga on a 2 Stroke machine only goes to prove that the 4 bangers have a long way to go in terms of development to give that immediate expolsion of forward momentum that all 2 stroke riders are use to.

    I`m sure the debate will go on and on, was DL correct to ride a stock bike, was FG correct to act in that unsportsman like manner, was the

  7. Can anybody help?

    I am struggling to find an optimum solution for my clutch lever position, due to the fact I suffer from having large hands (no jokes please) and a small amount of clutch drag which is now starting to effect the quality of my riding.

    I have tried several types/leading brands of engine oil and am currently running Motul 300V Factory line as prescribed by the holy of holiest "Al the Spanner".

    I have a 2005 250 Gasser and need to know if I need to start checking the depths of that sweet little engine!!!!

    A most concerned trials novice!!!

  8. As a new gas gas owner, oil volume and type is critical,where can I get this info?

    I was told 400cc, changed every 3 trials with dexron III as a cost effective oil substitute to the more expensive Putoline, PJ1, Ipone,etc.

    However, does this effect the clutch plates??????


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