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Posts posted by wallo
  1. Hi Guy's

    One big question????

    Take a look at all one hundred plus shots that were taken from this trial.

    Then ask yourself, will I see this number, or any of these bikes, in competition or even out of there sheds for the next twelve months??? so where do they go????

    Regards Charlie.

    If there were more trials like this the bikes would be out.

    Trouble is you can't really enjoy yourself on the big machines at the trials that have been setup for B15's, Bantums and Cubs :-(

  2. I've been using a straight 40 oil from Morris for the engine, but it did take a long time to warm it up and get it moving round the engine given the very low temperatures at the weekend.

    Any advice on what I should change too given Jack Frost's appearance most mornings now.

    I have pre unit AMC lump......


  3. Hi John great entry i'm sooooo envious. We do see the odd pre unit at local trials, yesterday i rode very badly at Dales Classic Smerril Grange Farm trial and there were i would guess 4 or 5, but sadly apart from some road trials in our area the level of riders expertise makes it very difficult to set out to accomodate the older big bikes without making it a walk in the park for the guys on unit construction bikes and twinshocks. I am sure there is still the interest and the bikes out there but i feel the future for them is perhaps in events and with clubs organised around old British Bikes to the exclusion of Twinshocks. Our club couldnt afford to do it as we are struggling as it is allowing almost any bike to compete but Midland Classic club locally along with Dales Classic do have a more big bike friendly policy and do have the access to land, which we dont, that allows them to do that. Good luck to them :thumbup: it's great to see the big older bikes get an airing.

    So in other words, it is the end of an era :-(

  4. Is it just me or is anyone else seeing the beginning of the end for the larger pre units?

    Most the 'classic' trials these days are all geared towards the twin shocks, Bantams, and C15's. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not against the bikes or the riders, but will the heavier weight machines (and rider for that matter) have a place in classic trials in say 4/5 years time?

    I did a trial today (... up front I'm not the best rider in the world, far from it) and in my class there were about 4 entries (easy route, pre unit) out of a field of around 70.

    So, did I enter the wrong trial or do I need to change my machine?

    I think it's sad that there are only a few trials left where you can actually ride the bigger bikes and enjoy it.

    Maybe I'm just a sad old'ish fart but is it time to mouthball the heavyweight and buy a Bantam?

    Would be interested in hearing what others think.

  5. Hello,

    I read much about people using a Villiers carb on their HT5 projects, so starting to think about whether it might be work experimenting with one on my 400cc G3.

    Is anyone out there using a Villiers carb on a 16M or G3 based machine?

    Any thoughts/comments as to size or mods for running a Villiers on an AMC bike?


  6. I need to get a downpipe created for my Matchless G3, I currently use one of the SM out-of-the-box pipes but am looking to get a longer one with a bend to keep it tighter to the engine.

    Ideally stainless steel but not adverse to be of Titanium :-)

    Any recommendations as to who I could contact for this?

    Many thanks....

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