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Posts posted by shipo
  1. well here goes my two penneth worth. i am left handed i ride bikes on a daily basis and have absolutely no problem with a throttle on the right. i know several people who ride "right handed" bikes but are naturally left handed. just as a closer i believe james toseland is a left hander and if that dont prove the point....

    by the way roughly 356 left handed people are injured every year whilst having to use right handed equipment, tools etc etc ( hope all you right handers feel suitably guilty) :)

  2. well mr m4rt i am still very new to this trials thing and dont know anyone on yhis site but i will say its been a pleasure reading your posts and has brought many a smile to my sad little trials bike less life, hopefully people will take things as they were meant and you will return every now and then just to keep us guessing. ;)

  3. thank you one and all. certainly given me loads to go try out. Thanks v v v v v v much. and especially to "da make" that link you sent me was excellent thank you. hope to see some of you out there soon. :wacko:

  4. ok cheers guys, not quite the reply i was thinking of but hopefully will have a copy of the book in the next few days. think the drawing could be moved to the trials cartoons thread (no offence) any hints welcomed though. one of the things i cant get the hang of is plain boring old balancing on the spot. i know its the most basic of moves just cant seem to get the hang of it.


  5. not sure if this possible or not, but how about some pictures of sections with a little advice on sensible ways to ride them. think it might give myself and hopefully other newbys some idea on how to look at a section and on how to ride it. any info welcome. :wacko:

  6. thank yall very much for all the advice. it has been very usefull and has left me in a good position to get going. im hopefully going to be getting a bike in the next month or so and will be practising feverishly on it ( not alone though) hopefullly will see some of you over coming year or so at trials. ill be the one wobbling about, falling off and generally weeing himself laughing. heres to my future domination of the trialing world. :wacko:

  7. being new to trials i can only comment that i use gull neoprane gloves for jet skiing, playing paintball and riding motor bikes i have found them to be warm comfortable and hard wearing. they also come in a variety of guises ie fingered, fingerless, three fingered etc etc etc. hope some help :wall: .

  8. please help. feeling a bit :o . i want to get into trials. finding it hard to get information on licenses etc. also being on a very very limited budjet can any one reccomend a good place to find a starter bike. also any reccomendations as to type/ i;e make cc. sorry so many questions but really want to get riding. please help turn this :wall: to this ;):o:D:o:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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