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Everything posted by snerk
  1. Thanks for the replys. I figured it out now, but unfortunantly it wasnt the cause of my problems.
  2. Ok. But what parts are connecting the allen bolt in the middle to the clutch hub? On mine, I can remove the clutch hub regardless if the allen bolt is in or not. The 10 bolts are all in place.
  3. I wonder what keeps the clutch hub in place? The hollow screw in mine simply holds a small metal plate and nothing else. I know its probably a very simple question, but I cant seem to find out what part i am missing.
  4. I have had a look at it now, and it doesnt seem like im able to get it off without using a lot of force so ive stopped in fear of damaging the gear and the end of the crank Are you sure this is the way to do it?
  5. Do you think I can apply some pressure to the splines on the end, to be able to pull the gear over them? In 1 hour ill be home and ready to try. Thanks for the patience, Ill be a bit more careful in the future
  6. If you see the picture of the primary gear there is the part where the waterpump is attached. Im thinking about the splines on the end of the crank. I havent gotten around to check if im supposed to pry it over the splines, but as soon as im done at work ill get home and try. I had a gear pull but it as too thick to get around, im going to get myself a new one. Finesse is the same in both languages and apparantly I lack it.
  7. Thanks for the videos, I havent seen others apart from the ones on youtube. I live in Norway, and parts are available but unfortunantly expensive when buying parts for GasGas. The spring I got is for a Beta, and it works. I would like to point out once again that its not the spring thats causing the sound and the problems. The Beta spring cost 50 NOK\8 USD and would have cost roughly 1500 NOK\240 USD if I had ordered the set from the GasGas dealer. They dont sell separate parts. Yes it is the primary transmission gear and the kickstart idler gear that are the damaged ones. The idler gear was easy to get off, but how do I get the primary transmission gear off? Heres is another crappy picture without the clutch pack in: http://bildr.no/view/422341 (I would recommend you download it to your desktop, so you can see it in properly in your image viewer.) Now you can see why I need the instant gasket and why I need a lot. The sides are starting to get more and more damaged from prying out the clutch pack. Ill check with GasGas tomorrow to see how much they charge for the gears.
  8. Im at work so I havent looked at it today, but I do remember that both are damaged to some extent. Since it was already damaged when I opened it I havent really thought about it, but I guess the broken spring might have damaged them. Is there ayone of you who know if I have to open the bike further to get these gears out? You are right about the screws and its me that replaced them. They are not the ones making the sounds, since I replaced them about the 3rd time I reassembled the bike. Just a unrelated question, can you order separate parts in the country youre from or do you have to order complete sets of parts? I only know of 1 bearing and it is not damaged, you can see it here in the parts list: http://bildr.no/view/421644 I dont know if ive torqued it correctly, what would be the wrong and the right way to do it?
  9. No, its still makes the horrid sound while riding it, unfortunantly. Yeah, its hard to get the camera to focus on all those parts, ill see if I can get some better ones. You are right, the only mechanical experience I have is from the last month with this bike. The thing is, i have had one experienced rider and a couple of friends with mechanical aptitude to look at it, and the last remaining option they suggest would be the broken tooth on the gear, since thats the only apparent thing thats left, that i have messed with. Do I have to crack open the engine replace the waterpump gear? Unfortunantly, getting someone professional to fix it is very, very expensive, especially in my country. (And the only official GasGas dealer is on the other side of the country.) Any more help and suggestions are welcome, even if they are farfetched.
  10. Sorry, I should have been clearer. No, that is after the spring broke, but before I opened the bike and cleaned out the broken spring. Ive checked most most of the things around the clutch, and I cant tell if the damages that are there havent been there from before I opened it. There is one thing I forgot to mention, on the waterpump gear I broke of one of the "tooths" while trying to get the whole clutch pack out. If that is what is causing it, can I remove it without going further into the engine? http://bildr.no/view/408698 http://bildr.no/view/408700 http://bildr.no/view/408701 These pictures are from before I changed the water pump axis. BTW, on picture #2 There are two spots ive marked. I had put the red material on both places because of some previous grinding marks, and as you can see in #1 it has loosened. But I dont know if thats just the movement inside that has done it.
  11. 1. The sound changes slightly but still the same noise and a lot of it. 2. Yes. 3. I broke the water pump drive the first time because i didnt place it correctly. However I have a new one now, correctly installed. 4. Yes, Im positive it works now. However I almost havent used the bike at all since the problems started a month ago in fear of doing damage. 5. Yes. 6. No. There are some damage inside, probably from the broken spring, since I cant see what of the parts would hit the casing. Ill get back to you with some pictures. 7. There was a distinct noise, like that of metal in a blender, but it wasnt the same as now, I believe. 8. Yes. 9. No. However, if I can fix the bike thanks to your technical assistance, Ill make you a nice drawing. By the way, I have to force the clutch pack in and out with screw drivers and hammering. When i see the GasGas on youtube guy do the same, he can gently pull it at and place it back in.
  12. I bought a 2002 GasGas 280 txt pro and ufortunantly couldnt use it more than a couple of days before the spring that resets the gear pedal/lever broke. The sound im talking of came after the first time I opened the side of the bike where the clutch is. I have opened and reassembled the bike about 6-7 times now and tried with and without the new spring. By the way, I have not opened up the bike other than from the side where the clutch is. Does anyone have any suggestions? You can download a clip of the bike and the sound HERE
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