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How To Fit A Sidecar


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After observing the sidecars at the Inter Centre team trial I thought I'd give it a go with my son as it look's fun :lol:

I've bought a trials sidecar from ebay and now want to go about fitting it to my Y2k Sherco 290.

Has anyone got any pictures of how a sidecar should be mounted to a Sherco frame?

I'm puzzled as to how the lower mount point should be near the footpeg. I'm assuming the left foot peg is left in place?

Thanks in advance for any advice or pictures


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Good to hear someone wants to start riding s/c!

The sidecar mounts off the left hand footrest by putting a longer bolt through the footrest pivot and then through a hole in the plate that is welded to the main sidecar tube.

At the fron you need to fabricate a subframe the connects to the front engine bolt and then through a hole in the frame just beneath the headstock.

I would be happy to supply photos and talk you through it.


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Thanks for the replies guys

Today I started to make a bracket which will mount on the left foot peg so I think I'm OK there now.

Robin, the sub frame at the front I can see how to pick up the front engine bolt, but does the it use the large hole in the frame for the cables etc. or is a new holw drilled ? :lol:

Any chance of some photos of how yours is mounted?

Also are you doing the Sidcup sidecar trial as I might get down to have a look.


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A new hole I'm afraid. Use an M10 c'sunk bolt from the inside below the electrics.

Also fit a plate in this area inside. About 6mm thick and tack it to the headtube & main side spars. This gives extra strength as the plate on the frame alone is not really thick enough.

To mount of the engine bolt, remove the nut and put the bolt in from the water pump side. Make a piece of tube that is tapped inside to suit and mount the subframe off this.

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Just a few other things.

When fitting the sidecar set your tyres at approx 7 psi fron and 5.5 psi rear and have the bike vertical.

Also the sidecar wheel should toe in by approx 1 3/4" over the wheelbase of the bike.

You'll also need to make a small subframe under the rear mudguard so on a sidecar low camber when the passenger leans on the mudguard it won't get pushed into the rear wheel. Mount it off the airbox / frame mount and the rear mudguard holes.

You'll also need a stronger spring on the bike. Bruce Rushton is the man to speak to re this. PM me and I'll give you his phone no.

Go along to the sidcup trial and have a good look before you do too much. It should clear up any queries.

Also I am not sure where you are but the guys at JAM sport might not be far from you and they have more than one sidecar mounted to Sherco and will be glad to help.

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Thanks for the advice Robin

Did't realise about the toe in, subframe and the stronger spring :lol:

I actually want to carry on doing some solo riding as well which could be a bit of an issue if the spring needs changing as well. :thumbup:

When I eventually get to ride sorry drive the thing, my son will be the passenger he's a small 13 do you think the spring will need updating yet?

I'm not far away from Jam Sport so I'll get up there some time, and try and get to Sidcup on 29th as well.

Barry yes once I know how the thing will connect to the bike I'll be giving it a satin black/carbon fibre look to match the rest of the bike.

Thanks for the interest and advice again



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have made a start with the front sub frame to mount the sidecar:

Here is the strengthening plate welded in postion:


Here is the subframe I have made:


Here it is fitted to the bike:


Detail of the lower fitting to the engine bolt and sump guard bolt:


To be continued .....

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