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Licence Or Levy?


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two issues really there

1) if we (ACU) you went to licences we'ld get more money in upfront but over the course of the year you might loose. without specific data telling us how many times a year each trials rider rides we don't know if we've got the majority ridding 50 times a year or many one of trials riders who would have to pay significantly more

thus if you went down this road you'ld have to offer day licences as people doing a one off ride won't want to pay

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You never asked for it but I've always been prepared to pay, I guess it's a bit like getting too much change back in a shop; you take the change but will give it back if the cashier notices. :guinness:

Rode a few trials in England they where either

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because our centre is so large and has so many trials clubs the centre is divided up, roughly geographically into 5 combines. on the 2nd Sunday of each month is "combine Sunday", and clubs in each combine take it in turn to run a trial. its pitched as being between centre and club trials. this way we can have more trials without getting people upset about clashing. only issue is number of clubs in combines, some only have a few (TVTC has only 4 or 5 IIRC) while others have many (eg NKTC have 8 - did have more). one combine got p****d off over helmets (and other things) and went AMCA.

if i understand it correctly the Yorkshire centre and eastern centre have a similar idea but only 2 combines in each


from the other thread

Sidcup & DMCC - South Eastern Centre ACU

club trial - nominal

Edited by rabie
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