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Long Lay Off, Few Questions.


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I havn't been around for a while, as I havn't touched my old TY for about 6 months! And before that it was about 3/4 months.

I had it out yesterday, I'd forgotten how much better than modern bikes these things are! You can jump about and generally thrash around without fears of snapping something.

My Bike.

That is what my bike once looked like, it looks pretty tatty now, it's definately crying out for some attention. The engine seems fine, it revs up and down freely, doesn't misfire, smoke, or bang too much, so I'm planning on stripping it right back and mending all the broken and worn bits, but leaving the engine for now.

The reason I have had such a lay off is I've been riding my push bike a lot, here she is for those of you that are interested. LINKY.

I've made this topic as several things are bound to come up during this rebuild, and I have 2 weeks off college to do it.

First question, I need a new chain and sprockets, I have a front 10t, and I know that I need a rear 35t, but which chain do I need? I think it's a 520 but I'm not certain.

Anyway, it's good to be back, I will certainly be getting it out more this season, but I have push bike comps to fit in aswell...

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