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Rear Brake Problems


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hi hope someone can help me. i have a 2002 sherco 290 and after riding it yesterday for 10 minutes or so the rear brake started to lock on and the disc was obvoiusly getting very hot,but after stopping for a while it would release again when it cooled down. this would happen again when i resumed riding. but it was ok if i didnt touch the rear brake at all. what is causing this?

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hi hope someone can help me. i have a 2002 sherco 290 and after riding it yesterday for 10 minutes or so the rear brake started to lock on and the disc was obvoiusly getting very hot,but after stopping for a while it would release again when it cooled down. this would happen again when i resumed riding. but it was ok if i didnt touch the rear brake at all. what is causing this?

You need some free play in the pedal linkage - the pads will be touching the disk so the pads and fluid heat up and expand which makes the problem worse....

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The pistons may be seized in the caliper or the system has too much fluid in it. The resevoir should not be full to the brim, it should have some space for expansion, this is the easiest thing to check. If it has space in the resevoir then try and push the pistons back, you may need to work them back and forward a few times to get them moving freely. If they are corroded then you need to replace them. You should only clean them in brake fluid, dont apply WD40 or similar as this can cause the seals to swell.

Edited by Baldilocks
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