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Carb Help


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Hi All

I have an 06 Rev 3 which in the main runs ok,however on long down hill sections I have to keep blipping the throttle to keep the engine running.

I decided to adjust the float / tang height in accordance with the "Billy T" instructions found here on the Website. However when the bike is started and left to idle, the tickover is erratic as though it is hunting for fuel. I have sincwe restored the float tangs to the original position ie parallel to the carb body and the tickover is ok.

Any ideas please ????

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I have done the mods you talk about many times with great results, maybe you went to far with the floats or you have the air screw out of adjustment ? Did you install the larger drain bolt like on the beta factory site ? This makes no differance as to the way it runs just lets the carb hold a little more fuel. Add where you are from that would help also.

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The problem is the air screw. I explain why.

If you go too far with the float height then the symptoms are that the engine is hunting After you go up a big hill with lots of throttle.

In your case the problem is the air screw. Because the fuel level is lower, more vacuum is needed to suck the same amount of petrol. But, your engine is the same, so the vacuum is the same, so you need to set up the air screw, or in some rare cases to change jets. So, turn the air-screw about 1 turn clock-wise and you'll be fine.

Edited by fkrisztian
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