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Beta Rev2 250 2004


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Hi guy's,

I am looking at getting a beta rev3 250 2004.

As you guy's are the experts on these and i'm don't know anything, I was hoping you could tell me what to look for.

I have seen pics of the bike and its in good nic with only 1 owner from new.

I have read in a previous post that there are problems with the stator, but this can be rectified buy installing a yamaha one or getting it rewound or something.

As I said I'm new and that last sentance was forien to me.

So is there anyway to tell if the stator is about to go but i think more importantly what tell tale signs should i look for with engine, susspention ect.

Please give as much info as you can.



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OK, I'll take a stab at this one... :D

Apart from leaky carb problems (which are easily fixed), the stator is THE thing on Betas (the stator is part of the ignition system and sites behind the flywheel on the right hand side of the engine - the thick wire that comes out of the casing and runs up the inside of the frame is connected to the stator). There's usually no warning of a stator failing, the bike just stops and that's it. IMHO the problem is caused by a combination of poor quality stators fitted to some bikes combined with the killswitch being earthed to the upper triple clamp and/or excessive moisture behind the flywheel cover. Other people have different theories but the reality is that there's no way of telling whether a bike is likely to be affected. My old '03 is, as far as I know, still going strong on the original stator whereas my 06 failed. The cure (whether remedial or preventative) is to either have the stator rewound or replace it with an '07 or later part (which aren't affected), remove the original killswitch and replace it with a Yamaha-style 2-wire one earthed to the frame and drill a small hole or cut a notch in the flywheel cover to allow moisture to escape.

Apart from that, just check the things you'd look at on any bike: Are the wheel, headstock or shock bearings worn? If so it's not necessarily a problem because chassis bearings are easy to replace but could get you a few quid knocked off the price B) Is the engine excessively noisy? It can be hard to tell on a trials bike since the clutch tends to rattle, especially on older bikes, so it might be worth consulting someone who knows what piston slap and worn main bearings sound like. Is it very smoky? Do the brakes work properly?

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The other thing to check is the state of the inner clutch cover and water pump cover.

I bought a 2004 Beta 250 in January and I had to replace the inner cover because it had corroded.

First sign is a slightly milky looking oil when you look at the oil level glass.

Check whether the cover has been replaced.

And ask the seller to remove the oil pump cover so you can check whether there is any corrosion.

It's the second biggest failure with Beta's after the stator, so the seller should know what you're looking for,

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