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Montesa Twin Shock


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Hi - As a way of introduction I am located in Cape Town SA - I have dabbled in trials a for years & have recently been given a twin shock Montesa & plan to get it sorted & ride it. It is either a 348 or 349 - the engine number is 51M26351 - not sure what year (77 ?)

I owned one of these way back (before I had a Fantic) but cant remember all of its quirks. Can anyone help me on what to look for on the bike & mods done to them over the years.

Thanks & Regards


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Some people take off the flywheel on the primary drive side of the 348s to make the motor a bit more snappy - I haven't

Some people fit lower footpegs to 348s and 349s - I haven't

Some people fit a better carby - I haven't - yet

You might like stiffer fork springs unless you are light

Electronic pointless ignition has recently become available, but the standard ignition works fine.

Using very heavy oil in the clutch makes it smoother on engagement.

I've heard that Honda 125 (CB,TL,MT,CR) clutch plates improve the clutch action. I have bought some of these plates but haven't tried them yet.

If it has frames tubes under the motor, it is a 348

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Thanks Jaan

The bike is still up country (Johannesburg) but I should have it in a few weeks ... then I can assess what is needed

In the late 70's their was a 348/9 in competion here with an aftermarket ally tank & a few bits ...BVM trialsport is the name that sticks in my mind - based on the one I owned I thought it may be better to use a smaller/different less bulky tank & seat combo too


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