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No Fan Coming On....help


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But took my Beta Rev3 out today for the first time. The Fan did not come on, tested the Fan, all well, running fine from a 12v Battery, Checked the Thermostat switch at top of Radiator with a Multimeter, when hot i could not get a ZERO Reading on the meter, to say there is a constant feed through. So followed wiring into headstock, Now i may be a bit thick here or just catious, but i can't get a reading from the Temp Control Unit, Small black box located near the ECU, Ran the bike for a few seconds, placed th multimeter on the unit and zero reading.... Any ideas please, also does the stat put out 12 or 6 volts ?.. Does this unit convert it to 12 volts from 6 ?

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Gday, its most likely the thermo switch. A full test is to remove it, put it in boiling water and then test. It should read short at around 95+ degress C. A quick test is to just short the wires together. As far as I know the stator's output is rectified (changed to DC) but not regulated.At least it wasnt on my old Techno. This means that it was pushing around 50 volts into the fan. That might be why my fan died! I fitted a regulator myself.



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Cheers Stork, I think it is the Regulator, gonna bob down in the morning to get one, might change the Thermostat as well, i did put it in boiling water, the meter was all over the place when the temp reached boiling... so it could be either or both, so rather than cook it, it would be cheaper to replace both...

Thanks for the advice

Col ^_^

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