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I Want To Ride Trial Again After A 20+ Year Gap!


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Hello everybody.

I am nearly 39 years old and really have the urge to start riding trials again. As a young teenage rider I first rode a clapped out Suzuki Beamish 250 with a hole in the cylinder head! I then owned a new Yamaha TY250 twin shock and later a Fantic 240. I rode most weekends and some weekdays in West Yorkshire, England. The 'Flappits' and 'Hawkstone Quarry' were my home practice grounds. I competed in several observed trilas, but did not do too well! My dad also rode and he bought a works Fantic 301 from John Lampkin (which he rode in a world round or SSDT) who lived in Silsden, near to our home. My dad was friends with close contacts of the Lampkin family. I actually remember once riding in a trial with a very young Dougie Lampkin and David Jefferies (my brothers old best friend and Isle Of Man TT road race winner). As you can imagine, I was around lots of bike crazy people in my teens and I have always had a bug for bikes. I have recently sold my road bike (Suzuki GSXR 1000) as I have seen and nearly been part of too many fatalities on the road. I still want to ride, but safe, so I thought of trials. A lot has changed since I last rode, probably 1989, but I have had a look at the current crop of bikes and really fancy the Montesa Cota 4RT. I always fancied a 4 stroke after watching Steve Saunders in Sheffield in the late 80's on his RTL! I think the smooth power delivery may suit me better than a quick revving stroker.

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Welcome back. Pop down to Manor Farm Thorlby Skipton BD23 3LL Wednesday evening. Bradford &DMC are running the final round of The Wrigglesworth Building Services Wednesday evening trials. The series has brought out of retirement a few ex riders making a return to the sport. Watching the competitors may give you an idea what bike to invest in. Details are in the 'whats on'calender avaiable via the front page of this web site or on the Bradford & DMC web site, bradfordtrials.co.uk.

Hope to see you there

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I've got a 4RT, my second one, and love it to bits. However, they don't suit everyone, try and blag a go on as many bikes as possible before you decide. The problem is most people tell you what ever bike they have at the time is the best. You really need to try a few and make your own mind up.

Regards Scragg

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I don't fancy going back to an old twin shock. After riding my dad's old Fantic 301 mono, I did not want to give it back! It was on another level compared to my 240 and Yamaha TY 250 and that was a long time ago. I would have thought today's bikes were that much better again. I want a light, modern, reliable bike that has nice, light controls. My main problem is that I have been living near Newquay in Cornwall for the last 14 years and I don't think there is a trials scene at all in Cornwall. I don't even think you can buy a trials bike in Cornwall ^_^

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The 4rt has a nice feel to it very sturdy but it is heavy I think personally that the smooth power and extra torque makes up for this extra waight seems to provide more grip than a 2 stroke and the build quality is second to none and the technology on the 4rt is very advanced for trials but there are some new 2 stroke bikes coming on the Market (ossa, greves) that should lift the bar on 2 stroke bikes might be worth waiting to try one of them.

I personally have never had any thing other than a montesa 1st a 315r and now a 4rt I would not have any other make and never a 2 stroke again the 4 stroke is more expensive but well worth it.

Good luck and try out as meany as possible

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I wouldnt be too quick to write off the twinshock bikes,there are loads of people going back to it and lots of trials to ride.A Fantic,Yam,Honda or SWM etc can be really nice to ride,they dont lose money,(Unlike modern bikes) and are reliable with very little maintenance - if they are in good order to start with.The trials are marked out sensibly so you can have some fun,but not end up in hospital or smash the bike up - and be fit for work on monday.

I came back to trials in 2006 after a long lay off and my main bike is a TY250 which was in good nick apart from the engine.I rebuilt it straight away and its still running strong now,all its had is chain and sprockets,tyres and brake shoes.One spark plug and a clutch cable - I cant see a new bike doing any better,and its worth more than when I bought it,even including the engine rebuild.

Main thing is the the twinshock trials are FUN - a really good day out.I stopped modern trials as I found it was just too serious and required constant practicing and riding every W/E to keep up any hope of a decent standard.Twinshock can be left for a couple of months and within a couple of sections you are right back into it.

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