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Hi From Plymouth, Devon


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Hi all

I have recently been introduced to riding a Trials bike, and a friend is doing a very good job in talking me into to buying one. It's a 2000 Beta Rev 3 and looks to be in good condition, but needs one or two tweeks.

My concern is, where can I ride it? At some stage I'm sure I'd be up for a beginners Trial competion but I'd like to learn the style of riding it first. I know about Muddy Wheels which is good value up in North Devon, but I'm wondering if there are places closer to home (Plymouth)?

Grateful for any advice.

Cheers, Slick.

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I shouldn't, I really shouldn't .... ooops! I have :o

The West of England meet was mentioned earlier and it just happens, me mate is going and has space in his trailer! Guess I'll be there ..... scarey!!

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Thanks JFC, I've been talking to someone else this evening who suggested the ACU license too, so I'll get that signed up on Saturday. Massively looking forward to it now. It could be entertaining for all around too ;-)

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How did it go? one of my lads had a good time (not so much fun for me running around!!).


Hi JFC was really good fun, really friendly and people were very helful. Rode like a complete pelican and made silly mistakes but was OK by the end and went round after and had a go at the intermediate sections which I had a good go at too. I wasn't last so mission accumplished.

Been off for a little practice yesterday in a private wood with a friend which was great fun too.

Looking forward to the next Trial now, hooked :-)

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