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GasGas TXT 250 overheating


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Hi guys,

I just aquired a 2001 TXT 250, the history of it is pretty much unknown. But apparently it was overheating. I would often look to the head gasket on any mysteriously overheating vehicle. But in this case, with the O ring'd head I guess it would be more difficult to 'blow' an O ring?

I would look to get the head skimmed, but any material removed will only take space away from the head that's required for the O ring to sit in.

So I'm looking to get a new head.

My question is, do you guys think it's likely that the head/gasket is the problem? Or should I be looking elsewhere before I spend the money. Also is it acceptable to reuse the O rings or should I always buy new like you would do with a gasket?



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the effects of overheating on a multicylinder engine and a single cylinder are very different. It is highly unlikely that the cyclinder head is warped needing skimming on a single cylider engine. It could be the o-ring, but have you noticed loss of water??

You can also normaly see the marks caused by the leakage on the head, or as damaged/flattened o-ring.

Before you go the cyl head leakage route, but i would look at the following... cooling fan, water pump, blocked / damaged radiator, ignition timing first.


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Thanks for that guys,

The trouble with this bike is it's a complete unknown quantity to me, I've got it with the head removed, so it's very difficult for me to check on any of those things.

I'm told its had a brand new water pump recently, I will inspect the head and old O ring a bit more closely to see if there's any obvious leakage. Luckily heads don't look to be too expensive, there's one on eBay at the moment that looks like it'll be less than

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