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Kick starter hits clutch cover


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I already found some helpful stuff on this forums, thanks.

Maybe someone can help me to fix the following problem with my Beta REV3 '07.

Sometimes, while starting the engine the kick starter hits the engine housing (clutch cover). I'm a little worried about the clutch cover gets leak after a while.

I just want to know if there should be a block inside the engine housing which stops the kick starter before hitting the housing that doesn't work on my bike.

Would somebody please compare with his own REV3 (all models) and take a look if the kick starter blocks or hits the housing?

Here is a picture: http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/9nb7-3s-9fc3-jpg.html

Thank a lot!

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I already found some helpful stuff on this forums, thanks.

Maybe someone can help me to fix the following problem with my Beta REV3 '07.

Sometimes, while starting the engine the kick starter hits the engine housing (clutch cover). I'm a little worried about the clutch cover gets leak after a while.

I just want to know if there should be a block inside the engine housing which stops the kick starter before hitting the housing that doesn't work on my bike.

Would somebody please compare with his own REV3 (all models) and take a look if the kick starter blocks or hits the housing?

Here is a picture: http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/9nb7-3s-9fc3-jpg.html

Thank a lot!

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hi femi

my 08 rev 3 kick starter sits about 6-7mm away from the casing and does not hit it even on starting...the flat plate the lever pivot's on sits horizontal when kick starter is folded in, so gives you an idea of where it should sit.

maybe it needs shifting a spline backward??

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just thinking...are you asking if the shaft should only go so far anti-clockwise and hit a stop inside the casing??? the answer to that is yes, so if it does not hit this stop then it would not make a difference if you put the lever back a couple of splines...must be something up if thats the case

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I'm sorry my explanation is not that clear as I read it once more. I'm not a native english speaker...

The rotation counter clockwise is fine, the kick starter stops in the right position after it was used to start the engine like fhtrucker explained.

But while I'm starting the engine (so the kick starter shaft turns clockwise) there is no block (inside the engine housing) which stops the kick starter before it hits the clutch cover. This is where the fault on the picture comes from.

Just for a short test I already tried to place the kick starter as much counter clockwise as possible on the shaft and turned it clockwise to see if it blocks inside. But even then I was able to turn it until it hits the clutch cover. No block inside!

So is it normal that kick starter hits the clutch cover while starting (rotates clockwise) or is there a block inside the engine housing (that doesn't work on my bike).

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hi femi

i see what you mean now as i have just checked mine, and it is the same.

never noticed it before but i can now see where it hits the clutch cover when starting, and has made a very light indentation. i take it this must be normal, but nobody else has posted the same problem yet. i take it the casing is quite thick and it would take a long time to do any damage to the casing.

if the wear was significant, it may be a solution to superglue a bit of heavy duty rubber on the point of impact...be handy to see if anyone else has had problems with this.

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