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Stolen Bikes From Fishponds Bristol


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on the 7th of febuary my garage was broken into and stolen was montesa 247 rolling chassis in good nick complete,the engine was left .and also a beta tr34 which was complete but stood outside for about 5 years so pretty rusty .the beta belonged to my brother gary bamford who was killed in an accident last year and the montesa was my dads so sentimental .i will give reward for info thanks

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Sorry to hear about that mate. I have been their and done that and do not wish to go through it again. Best keep an eye out on ebay and in the trade it etc to see if it turns up.

In the mean time it would be worth emailing Frank at http://www.wessex-centre-acu.org.uk/ as he can forward the info onto the local clubs and they can then pass it onto their own mailing lists.

Maybe worth calling a few local scrap dealers as i suspect the only reason they took the rolling chassis was the weight in the metal.

Hope this helps.

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