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Ty250R Pinky Bent Frame?


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G'day, Just trying to work out whether my new purchase Pinky has a bent frame or had a major tumble. Can anyone with a mono tell me whether the two rear mudguard mounts should line up parallel, ie the bolt holes line up opposite each other. Looking at the rear of my bike the right hand strut sits higher, or has been bent up that way. The mudguard has never sat straight either,twisting to the right, and this discovery may explain why. I'm also a bit suss about the main frame piece that bolts to the base of the engine. I'd like to make sure the frame is right before I waste time and money getting it painted and put the whole show back together, so would really appreciate any help or frame photos anyone has. Cheers, bird.

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Are your wheels in line? are both wheels vertical? if it's just the rear subframe should be easy enough to "adjust" normally just a case of overenthusiastic wheelie or an endo off a drop off. Check around the weld areas and headstock for damage or flexing paint flaking off etc. Finally get it on a jig and have it checked for alignment if you think it's badly out of line.

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Thanks guys, appreciate your advice. Feels like she veers a little on the run, but that could be the back wheel which is out of true. Will try the string line and see what that reveals. Cheers, bird.

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