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Jtr250 Clutch Trouble


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well been having trouble with the clutch draggin on my newly acquired jtr 250, i understand its sometimes common for the clutch to be dragging slightly but this is to the point where if i apply the brakes it stalls the engine. i changed the oil this morning for dexron 2 an somehow managed to make it worse. so ive taken the plunge and decided to get inside the clutch. iv noticed that the friction material has started to part from the metal backing on more than 3 of the discs, also the metal plates are smooth, but have lots of dark areas that look like possible rust where its been sitting. im guessing its had water in the oil at some point. im hoping this is going to cure the majority of my troubles, wheres the best place in the uk to get a full clutch kit from? thanks

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I can't help you on finding a clutch in the UK but I can confrim that when the friction material comes off the steel plates, the clutch drags badly and works more like an on/off switch than a clutch. You will be very happy with new clutch plates.

If the oil was at all milky I would suggest you to replace the water pump seal while you are in there. No sense in letting water / antifreeze contaminate the new plates.

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Changing the seal is pretty easy. Drain the coolant by removing one of the hoses from the water pump (just to the upper right of the clutch cover). Then remove 2 screws and the pump cover comes off. The impellor just unscrews from the shaft. Pry out the seal - do not drive a screw through it to use as a puller, this will damage the bearing behind the seal) Note which way it was in, then press in a new one. Not sure of yours but my '94 JT25 took a 15x15x7 seal that I got from a bearing shop for only US$5.50. Reinstall the impellor, cover, hose and coolant.

Ride on!

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