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Sherco 2009 - 35 Pilot 122 Main Fuel Screw!

lewis cosgrove

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Just need someone to clarify that i have the right idea. The bike used to have a 33,188 but i felt they could do with a few numbers up so there could be more room for adjustment. With the 35,122 installed the bike ran much better at 3 turns out (think that's a bit rich with bigger jets). When the bike was warmed up idling in neutral i fiddled with fuel screw, finding that the revs started to drop just passed 3 turns out (is that because there is to much fuel overloading it?) and at 2 turns out it just started to get too lean with a delay in the throttle when quickly turned. So should i run in the middle at 2.5 turns out on the 35,122. It ran OK at 3 turns out, but it revs cleaner and faster at 2.5. Is 2.5 in the ball park for these up sized jets? Or am i way off.

Location : Southlanarkshire, Scotland 700 Ft

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Right thats good, ill try 2.5 next time i am out. So if its warmer its best to richen it a bit by turning it out 1/8 from 2.5 and in 1/8 when its cold?

One other thing, last time i was out it drained the tank faster at 3 than before on the 33,118 at 3.5. Would the change in the jets make any difference?

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Right thats good, ill try 2.5 next time i am out. So if its warmer its best to richen it a bit by turning it out 1/8 from 2.5 and in 1/8 when its cold?

One other thing, last time i was out it drained the tank faster at 3 than before on the 33,118 at 3.5. Would the change in the jets make any difference?

As you have installed jarger jets, you may indeed consume more fuel, yet I would think any difference minimal unless a lot of running at high throttle openings.

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