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How Times Have Changed.


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Was flipping through my bike pikes on my phone and came across these two of my dad and his dad a few years ago. I asked my dad for some info on the pic.....

His response:

That's me at age 14 riding my BSA Bantam trials bike #14 at the Marianhill trials venue just outside Pinetown. Grandad Ray built it for me out of a road bike. It was first canary yellow but we went navy blue with grey pin stripes. Helmets were not required in those days and we all wore different hats, grandad wore a black bowler hat. The sections were laid out with yellow tape and everyone rode the same course! Year 1967

I can only imagine what trials will be like in another 50 years.....should be interesting.

Anyway, just thought I would share some old school pics.




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