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Lost Spark.....


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hi guys....

you've all proved an extremely helpful wealth of knowledge with past problems, so here's another for you all to help me with!!! (please!!)

1995 GASGAS 250 Contact

Ducati Ignition

Running NGK B5ES

Ignition bang on the marks.

Mixture screw 1.25 turns out (1.5 standard i think)

(When referring to changing plug - always for a brand new one.)


A couple of times now over the past few months, my gasser has stopped pretty suddenly, no warning, just dies.'

With a fresh plug, it fires first kick and runs to perfection.

Within 10-16 running hours later, dies. change plug. all ok again.


Running fine for couple hours, cuts out. changed plug (previous plug ran 8hrs approx) ...... AHHHH!! Wouldn't have it! Kicked it, (not literally! perhaps should have!!) it started, but by the time i had put my gloves back on, it had died again.

Now i have no spark, from the plug, or direct from the lead.

Even with another brand new plug, lead and cap, nothing.

Am now in process of checking for damaged wires etc, though id post this while im doing so.

Also in process of major recouperation.... will leave it down the valley if it happens again!!!!


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Check that you have a voltage to the primary circuit of the coil. If you have then its the coil... Failing that its probably under the flywheel so you'll probably have to go toa dealer anyway.

btw... Its a lot easier if you have a friend to help kick whist you measure.

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Whilst checking for voltage, take the plug out. It makes kicking a whole lot easier.

There is a possibility that the stator has failed. It may have been breaking down for some time. New spark plugs create less demand on the electrical system, as they get older more current is needed to make a strong spark. This could be one reason for the symptoms which you describe.

I have had a similar problem with a Beta Zero many years ago. There was some current coming from the stator, enough to allow the bike to run for a while but then something, perhaps the engine heat, caused it to stop working. It did this for half a dozen trials until I sussed the problem.

A company called Bradford ignition services rewound the stator and sent it back within the week for

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R simply means it has a built in resistor - manufacturers are obliged to fit these to cut out radio interference (apparently!) but it makes no difference to the performance. (have found this out whilst searching for an answer!!!)

Not totally true. Actually some stock ignitions are effected by running non-resistor plugs. I've seen some that would exhibit all kinds of weird running when using a non-resistor plug, only to completely "heal thyself" when an "R" plug was installed.

I'd try an "R" plug first, just to eliminate variables.

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thanks all...

have got a couple bpr5es plugs to try... no difference.

have cleaned up around flywheel and stator etc. pretty good anyway.

have traced wiring manually...fine.

kill switch fine.

have obtained some figures for resistance across cdi terminals.... and i think its the cdi unit 'das ist kaputt'.


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A couple of times now over the past few months, my gasser has stopped pretty suddenly, no warning, just dies.'

With a fresh plug, it fires first kick and runs to perfection.

Within 10-16 running hours later, dies. change plug. all ok again.

Weird. I just logged on to post this same problem with my '01 txt 321. And I thought I was the only one! Seems odd, since the bike only has about 25 hrs. on it. On two occasions, the bike quit running - I thought I was out of fuel - added fuel and kicked 50 times - got it through my thick head that the bike wasn't going to start :D and checked spark - changed the plug and it ran fine (for a while).

The difference here (from Ginger's situation) is that I still have spark with a new plug, and the bike will still run. It seems that something is "taking out" the plug - does this tell me which item - stator, cdi, or coil - is the problem??

I am enough of an electrical novice to not know how to test these items. Does anyone have further thoughts on the issue?



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