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MTR 2020 Event 1.0 &1.1


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Haven't posted for a while but given these interesting times figured I would share our event from this past weekend. Given that the border between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick is closed (because of the Covid virus) we ended up holding an event in each Province and combining the scores. Not ideal but hopefully the border will open soon and the rest of our events can be held with riders from both provinces in one location. The weather was fantastic in both locations and the sections were really amazing - you know you can clean them but end up dropping a points but feeling you will clear it next time. We had 6 sections but rode them in both directions so counted them as 12. The advantage being you would always finish where you started and that would be in a wide open space to allow for social distancing.

Here is a video I tossed together from the NS event (Province limited gathering to 10 people) only 9 riders in the video because I didn't video myself :)



Edited by michael_t
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