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  1. Thought people may enjoy these 10 sections we set out at my place in Nova Scotia (Canada) :). I feel they gave a good bit of variety we consider them to be intermediate level of difficulty with nothing much over knee high but lots of very tight turns and some very steep ups and downs.
  2. You need to go to Trial GP and then the noticeboard and select the event to find info on it. If you click the "live" button during the event you will see the scores as they are riding. More specifically here is the entry list - 21 Countries and for the record I am cheering on Canada 529e341f-09f3-4225-86f5-bee1c88985b6_TDN of Spain - Pre-Entry List.pdf (sportity.com)
  3. Well my trip to the SSDT lived up to and surpassed all expectations. It has been a long time bucket list item and so glad I was able to make it happen this year... Already thinking about going again.
  4. The Nationals will be November 8-9, 2024, at the Victoria Motorcycle Club property, in Victoria, BC In addition, we are working with the NATC to combine the Canadian Nationals with the the Donner CA Nationals on July 27th/28th as the North American FIM Championship. Would be great if the CMA could get the 2025 event sorted earlier - I believe Derek has offered to host it as well always great to have choices. The "Canadian Trials Initiative" is a handy spot to keep up to date with things.
  5. Great day in the woods and Shale Pit last Sunday: I am heading to (old) Scotland next week to catch a bit of the SSDT - Really looking forward to cheering on the lone Canadian rider Jonathan English
  6. Does that fall under the ATA ? or is it a separate entity (It doesn't seem to come up on google or facebook) ? I am not sure if you follow the Canadian Trials Initiative on facebook but am happy to email you the weekly updates if you are interested. Neil gets them for the ATA. Cheers, Michael
  7. I ride a blue bike but was never dealer only just a rider and enthusiast. Riding the Nationals last year was my first time riding trials out side of the Maritimes. Which club are you riding at?
  8. BC and Sask haven't talked to anybody about 2026 as of yet.
  9. There has been a fair bit of back and forth. Hoping to have it settled this week. Best guess at this point is BC Oct 5-6, 2024, Sask 2025... East 2026
  10. For anyone not aware of what the NATC markers look like here is an example. Of course we would be looking for our own sponsors and using our new T1, T2, T3... classes.
  11. It's been a while but glad I checked in here today. I should probably start a new thread as the rule changes were not driven by the CMA. In Canada there is currently an Initiative to have all of the clubs work together to support all Trials riders and enthusiast. We are independently trying to do what we can to work with all 20 Trials clubs across the country, all Canadian importers, Moto Canada, CMA, and FIM. I applied for funding from the FIM to support this effort in 2021 and it was approved in 2022 it is scheduled to run out this year. I have posted weekly updates to the list of entities above as well as to the Canadian Trials Initiatives facebook page. The rule changes are part of this effort and were shared with all of the clubs for input as part of the process. The main people involved in the effort were well known Canadian trials riders and enthusiast Jonathan English, Christy Williams Richards, Derek Thomas and a not so well known Michael Traves (that's me). The idea for the rules was to adapt the NATC rules for the most part, Christy and I sit on the NATC rule committee and the feeling was to work towards one standard set of rules for all of North America (and adopting the NATC rules was a good starting place as we help set them). We saw a number of benefits to this, as people travel to events outside their local club and as top riders ride at NATC events it would be helpful to have standard rules followed. I also believe it will help legitimize the sport (with government agencies) if we all followed the same rules. We are also looking to get the FIM NA Championship back up and running with one event from the NATC schedule and our Nationals counting towards the NA championship so having the same rules will also be helpful for that series. I sat in on a NATC/AMA meeting this week and there is a lot of interest from them and the FIM to make this series happen this year. I will note that the new rules do go beyond just or Nationals and suggest that local clubs can adapt for things such as gate trials and self checking (I know lineway doesn't think that is a "real" trial). I did send an offer to all the clubs to provide new markers to help with the adoption of new colours but it seems most clubs are not ready to switch this year. We will also reviewing these rules every year. I have probably opened a can of worms by posting - and my views can be seen on this thread from 7 years ago... I still feel the same today (as I did then) - we all need to be working together to grow our sport. I am happy to stand behind my actions because I truly felt (and still do) we have to put more effort into working together than complaining and knocking peoples efforts for doing so. Respectfully, Michael T.
  12. This year we just let people static balance on the bikes after the show... My bike just seemed much happier with this scenario...
  13. After doing a trials demo at the local motorcycle show on the weekend (here in Nova Scotia) a fellow came up and asked if I remembered him from 2019... I did - he was the guy I always tell people about when they want to give my bike a try at the shows... He was kind enough to share this video his son had taken that fateful day...
  14. Great time of the year to be riding here in NS. We have wrapped up events for the year but still having a lot of fun getting in some practice time and some challenging trail rides. Always great riding with somebody who is way better than you (on the pegs).
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