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06 200 Rev3


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interested to know why you want a 200 beta , I am the process of trying to decide on a 200 or 250 beta( still really not decided on a beta), hoping to go on sunday and bum a ride on one and see , I am only a clubman standard rider and feel the 200 would be plenty, I have ridden a 290 sherco much to much, if you get a 200 would be interested on a report on how it is. B)

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interested to know why you want a 200 beta , I am the process of trying to decide on a 200 or 250 beta( still really  not decided on a beta), hoping to go on sunday and bum a ride on one and see , I am only a clubman standard rider and feel the 200 would be plenty, I have ridden a 290 sherco much to much, if you get a 200 would be interested on a report on how it is. B)

picking the 200 up next weekend :) will let you know how good it really is.....

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I went from a 270 to a 200 to a 250. I got rid of the 270 because although it was great fun it had just too much power and I was always fighting the bike in sections. I got the 200 after several people told me how smooth, tractable and surprisingly powerful the 200 Rev3 is. They were right, too - for clubman level sections it's just perfect and best of all, the relative lack of raw power means that you really have to apply the correct technique instead of relying on a big handful of throttle to get through (which isn't always effective!)

For me, the problem was that although the 200 is a fantastic competiton bike, it's lack of grunt means it's just not a fun bike and if messing around with your mates is as important to you as riding trials (like me) then it may not be the best choice. The 250 is the best of both worlds - almost as much power as the 270 but delivered in a softer, more controllable way which provides the same levels of tractability as the 200 - a better all-round bike.

Just my (emphatically non-expert) opinion!

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