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Clutch Plates, Which Way?

crash bandit

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I've had to replace the clutch plates on my TXT 270 but I've not sure in what order they go on.

I have 7 fibre plates and 6 steel plates and 1 half steel and half fibre plate.

Looking at it carefully I think the half/half plate goes on last with the fibre outermost !!!! When I started the bike up and put it in gear I almost wheelied through the back of the shed. Is this the correct way :)

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Half plate first cork down,then cork /steel/cork/steel till they are all in. on the clutch basket one of the pin's is marked like a cross the pressure plate is also marked something like a I,this mark must either be in line with the mark on the pin that's marked or directly opposite.ie Turn 160 degrees do not put the mark at the side of the marked pin. hope this helps

Edited by landrover
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Thanks for the info. I have put the plates in the way you said.

I did notice the marks but didn't know they needed to be put on in a special way!!! I will have to take it apart again and line them up.

I have run the engine for a short while, will this damage anything?

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