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Are Modern Trials Rear Shocks One Size Fits All?


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I have a 2009 Gas Gas Raga Replica 300 and it has this Sachs rear shock that is "non-rebuildable." I would like to replace it, but Trials bike parts are not always so easy to find in the USA. Trying to find a replacement shock has frightened me, as I want to buy a new one, but they are expensive and I do not want to buy the wrong new one. Am I over thinking this? Can I buy any shock for a Trials bike and slap it on the ole' Raga? Or do I have to ensure I find one with the exact length eye to eye, and exact diameter of "eyes" at each end specific to the 2009 Raga, and if that is the case where can i find that? 

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1 hour ago, TDC311X said:

I have a 2009 Gas Gas Raga Replica 300 and it has this Sachs rear shock that is "non-rebuildable." I would like to replace it, but Trials bike parts are not always so easy to find in the USA. Trying to find a replacement shock has frightened me, as I want to buy a new one, but they are expensive and I do not want to buy the wrong new one. Am I over thinking this? Can I buy any shock for a Trials bike and slap it on the ole' Raga? Or do I have to ensure I find one with the exact length eye to eye, and exact diameter of "eyes" at each end specific to the 2009 Raga, and if that is the case where can i find that? 

The Sachs rear shock is rebuildable by people who know what to do but unless you know where there is a specialist  that rebuilds other peoples shocks then it will be problematic OHLINS produce a rear shock that will bolt straight on your bike you just need to buy the correct spring for your weight if you are lighter or heavier than the standard spring that is fitted which is for a rider around the 75/80Kg mark , rebuild parts are available for the OHLINS and they are a well known brand so it is the best bet  really. If you cannot find one in the USA  then try SPLAT SHOP in the UK @ www.splatshop.co.uk , they have them listed for sale , they also may  possibly be able to  rebuild your original SACHS ZF unit for a reasonable price you will have to ask. 

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Thank you for the reply! I ended up talking to a guy that knew a guy that knew another guy in another state that works at a shop that can rebuild them.


However, if that falls through, I think this is the shock you mentioned right? https://www.splatshop.co.uk/ohlins-trials-rear-shock-absorbers.html

I see you can select a lot of info to customize the shock. I'll definitely do this if they can ship it to the US. 

Are there a lot of differences between the shocks between the manufacturers and years for the rear shocks they use? I know they change manufacturer, but is it safe to assume any trials shock would fit the bike, or is there more to it?

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On 4/3/2024 at 3:19 AM, TDC311X said:

Thank you for the reply! I ended up talking to a guy that knew a guy that knew another guy in another state that works at a shop that can rebuild them.


However, if that falls through, I think this is the shock you mentioned right? https://www.splatshop.co.uk/ohlins-trials-rear-shock-absorbers.html

I see you can select a lot of info to customize the shock. I'll definitely do this if they can ship it to the US. 

Are there a lot of differences between the shocks between the manufacturers and years for the rear shocks they use? I know they change manufacturer, but is it safe to assume any trials shock would fit the bike, or is there more to it?

The rear shock you have high lighted is one of them or they have a special offer on OHLINS SHOCK GG18330 with a choice of two spring weights for about £100.00 cheaper that will fit your bike , the OHLINS shocks are less heavily damped when set at minimum damping setting than the SACHS ZF {as they come from the factory} so if you like to have a pogo stick rear end for hopping the bike around then this is beneficial  I have both shocks and there is a very noticeable difference between the two , the SACHS feels numb compared to the lively OHLINS. I much prefer the OHLINS myself but there is nothing wrong with the SACHS shock it works well. SPLAT SHOP can service your SACHS shock it will cost £174.95 + SHIPPING . 

As far as i know trials shocks are not just a one fits all but it will be possible to make certain ones fit between different munufacturers by making some changes , but in my opinion it just is not worth the hassle  as the 2 X reasonably priced SHOCKS that are readily available to fit straight on the bike are all that is needed unless you are competing in the World Trials Champs. A  top of the range REIGER 4 way shock will fit your bike but at a cost of £1,240.00 GBP it may be too pricey but its the best you will get . Good luck with whatever you choose to do. 


Edited by Tr1AL
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On 4/2/2024 at 4:46 PM, TDC311X said:

I have a 2009 Gas Gas Raga Replica 300 and it has this Sachs rear shock that is "non-rebuildable." I would like to replace it, but Trials bike parts are not always so easy to find in the USA. Trying to find a replacement shock has frightened me, as I want to buy a new one, but they are expensive and I do not want to buy the wrong new one. Am I over thinking this? Can I buy any shock for a Trials bike and slap it on the ole' Raga? Or do I have to ensure I find one with the exact length eye to eye, and exact diameter of "eyes" at each end specific to the 2009 Raga, and if that is the case where can i find that? 

 Not all are the same length, spring size, or mount size. Plus Gas Gas has gone bankrupt twice and changed owners 3 times since 2015.

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