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Who Is World Champ?

alan bechard

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So, my question of the day to those of you with kids, please ask them,

Who is the World Champ in Trials?

I think in most kids eyes dad is always the champ, camping with dad and sticking sticks in the fire is always more fun than staying home with mum.

So what if dad has to load three bikes and keep them in working order.

So long as they don't have to wash their necks, play with fire and other kids, they can put up with riding the bike now and then, T "dad nearly had an heart attack loading all the **** into the trailer" B "daft bugger doesn't he know we only pose on em to keep him happy" T "aye the silly old git!!, watch him blow a gasket wen we kick our boots off in't RV and get **ite all ower place" B "ha ha, did you see the daft old bugger fall ower my bike in't dark when I left it in is road"

T "no, but I learned a new word when he did".

T "HEY!! Bryan, pee thi pants and I'll nick a handful of candy while he's chuntering on changing thi" B "grab bag and I'll fill em"

Dad, "reet lads everything is put away, time to head home" T " I'm hungry, will you make me a sandwhich" D "why didn't you ask before I put everything away" mek sandwich for em both, "hear lad's," :thumbup: both fast asleep.

Kids is kids, they only get one shot at it.

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We wouldn't miss the Y.N. we had such a great time last year :D I wish we could make it to the W.R. but, there is know way to make it to Tenn. twice in one year with kids school,work and I just paid 3.09 for diesel on Sunday here in SoCal. ;) I an hoping when we get out of Ca. it will be cheaper.

I do hope at the Y.N. you and Lane pick up your debate in person,it has been great,you guys have had me hooked to this forum :thumbup:

So do you take Dean fishing? Ty goes with his Grandpa and I think it is great they spend that time togther,he will remember it forever.I have gone a few times and I couldn't handle it, too boring for me.

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God Ishy, you got me rolling so hard I cannot stand it. That is so close to the truth it is painful. If you look at pictures of Dean from the 05 YN and notice a big black mark on his cheek it is where another kid poked him with a stick while playing with fire.

And it sounds like your's and mine have something else in common, run a mile a minute while on the run, as Bobby Fields use to tell my dad, if we could stick handlebars between his ears we would have the fastest flattracker out there, until they wind down and get in the truck to go home, then you look over at them laying there asleep and think this is the good life.

Chris, I am going to cry when we hit $3. It is already over $200 a hit when we fill the mowing truck and trailer up.... But at least they give me free coffee right.....

I cannot stand fishing or hunting. Have nothing against it, love to eat, it just drives me plumb bonkers sitting there. I have tried several times and just cannot deal with it. I am very fortunate to have several really good freinds here though, and this is the heart of outdoor hunting and fishing and they take Dean out regularly. Sometimes I think I take that Village to raise a child more literally then many others do, but I think it gives my kids a balanced outlook to see things from many different angles and through many different eyes, then as they get older, they can decide where their passions lie. Certainly not sure I am doing it right, it seems with my kids I question myself constantly if I am making the right choices, but I think if I expose them to as much as possible, while keeping the risks in check, I think it is better for them. And if I am wrong, they will have a lot of cool experiences nonetheless.

Look forward to seeing you guys at the YN. I will be in and out at the Youth Camp unfortunately this year. My work schedule and vacation availability coupled with a 2+ week trip to Germany this past Christmas means the kids get to stay at the cabin without dad for a couple days.... Glad the village is there to beat them into line if needed.

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I think in most kids eyes dad is always the champ,

Not in my kids eyes, they see pictures of me out of the eighties and ask "who is that" and Wow, I did not know you could ride a bicycle like that.

For my kids it is Ryan, David, Curt and Brad.

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