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i want to polish up some parts on my gasgas and also my dads frame on his montesa.First of all, i know that you use polishing mops and put them onto a drill, grinder and polish. although what polish mops shoul i buy? and also what cremes should i buy? and last but not least, where do i get the stuff from?

thanks a bunch


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I've polished parts by wet sanding. The grit you start with depends on how rough the part is, but you end up with 1500 or 2000 grit. If you can remove the part, put it in a large pan/tub with water in the bottom. Else, use a water hose to keep the paper wet or it will clog up. A firm sponge sanding block will help smooth out low and high spots, and is easier on the hands. When you can't make anymore progress with the fine paper, switch to one of the popular aluminum polish compounds. Start with the finiest grit you can for course sandpaper marks can be hard to remove.

I've used a sanding disk on rough parts or to sand off raised letters, but you have to be careful or you'll gouge out a low spot that can't be removed.

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I use an electric drill with a 2 inch buffer wheel. The softer the better. I use Autosol for cleaning chrome and alluminum and it works GREAT.

here is an idea of what I mean by great:


(left one after buffed with autosol, and the right on is before I touched it)

I've also used it for all the chrome trim around my chevelle and it makes it look like new :)

Here is after doing the engine:






(thought the pics might help give you an idea.. even if it looks like absolute crap with rust you can make it shine like new :) )

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yep i av a gasser, i waant to do the expansion chamber,wheels,spokes and nipples,sump plate errr.... and also the frame on my dads mont, his swingarm wheels forks.stuff like that, i was just wondering whether i needed a heat proof laquer and whether to laquer them and how many coats, things like that, sorry if the opening article was a bit vague.

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I've used clear coat on it... but I'll NEVER do that again because gas spilled over the top one time and it made it look like crap (the clear turned a murky colour). So I had to repollish it all again and not put anything on top of it. (that was very frusterating lol)

But then again, once it is pollished, it stays that way for pretty much all year and then takes little effort to bring it back to "new" condition the next time you pollish it :)

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