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Exploding Ruddy Fork !


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So im rebuilding my '92 GT25, ive been logging the engine on the mechanical section but the past two nights i've been taking them apart.

- Spring fork

- took the bleed screw off and pumped the fork...stupid...old minging old all over my work bench... clumpy oil.... bad stuff !

- took cap off,...more rubbish in there, and the plunger that screws into the chrom stachion ?? (spellt wrong) wasnt screwed in...hence why it didnt work properly

- ABSORBER FORK !! - this one is rock hard and i thought it was the fork with the spring in it...which had broken...it isnt.....

-...so take off the bleed screw...my little bro want to do it...fair do's....well it starts bubbling...then SHOCK !! ruddy thing starts SHOOTING OIL OUT !! :beer: every where, all over me my brother, the wall and the ceiling ! i couldnt believe it, funny now but the oil stank really bad !! ;)

-- ive got the forks apart, but the absorber im having problems with, got the top off, the dust seal, holding ring, and when i try to pull the forks apart to push the seal out, like i did on the other it wont come out !! am i doing something wrong??

i put alittle heat in it,....some penetrating oil and no avail....hmmm ??

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Hi Matt.Are the forks upside downies and paiolies?,If so do as you were doing.Get the seal reall hot so it goes really soft,then tap the fork with a copper mallet.It will come out.If i remember,they were not held by a screw at the bottom,but yours might be different.

When you put them back together,each fork will have its own qty of oil.


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Cheers FF and Steve,

I did this in my dads unit ! ;):beer: ...he was alright about it.

FF there isnt any bolt i can see, on the outside of the fork is just the bleed screw. I can't see a big bolt like there is on the Pro Forks,

Steve, yes there upside down.. paiolies. what a daft idea....upside down you'll scratch them on a rock !

Ill take them into <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central> as i want the seals ordering.

But i dont want Ginner to do it because,

-I want to do it, i want to learn

-its fun

-And im doing this bike to a budget and already spent

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