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How Buzzy Should They Be? High-pitched Vibrations?


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well, sorry to bug you all again, but I still have a question about this 02 2.9 for sale I'm looking at. (You can tell I'm serious about getting back in the sport, right...? :thumbup: )

As I mentioned in another thread, the engine does sound quite a bit harsh.

Took it for a brief ride again, and I noticed again a strong buzziness to it. It's vibrating a lot. In first, at a speed of a pretty fast walk, I can feel a strong buzzy vibration through my feet. Very noticeable. I'd use the analogy of being something like one of those vibrating massager wands they sell in drugstores for aching backs (yea, right! :D ) Maybe not quite that high a frequency, but close. Anyway, it's a pretty high frequency vibration linked to the rpms I think. Kinda made my feet tingly. That normal? Or another piece of evidence related to the noisy engine?

thanks much all!

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Bike seems to have lots of problems that are playing on your mind, if you buy it they will only get worse in your eyes. Personally I would look elsewhere, if your keen on taking the sport up last thing you need is a bike that may prove unreliable and cost you more money in the short term. Hang on if you can for a good bike and if possible spend abit more for a good one.

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Agree with Betarev3, walk away and go and buy a good 03 or 04. If you have had two visits and still hav nt bought it then trust your instincts about the engine and look elsewere. If you still want this bike then, perhaps as mentioned before, remove the flywheel cover and see if there is any freeplay in the main bearings by trying to move the flywheel up and down. If good the flywheel should be rock solid, any freeplay then it is new bearings and an engine overhaul job, which is not the ideal way to restart your trials riding. By the time you have overhauled this engine the money spent could have bought you a good 03 or 04 perhaps Good Luck.!

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Walk away E9999!!!! save some more money up and buy a new one if you can, your keen to start up again and last thing you need is a bike in bits every week and throwing money at it when all you want to do is be riding.

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I agree with betarev3....it does seem that alot of those old Shercos get a bit rattley sounding...but theres always other bikes around eh?...why not try a beta?? :thumbup: ........ooops..I'll have started something now!!!...please dont tell me off anyone...not really trying to start a "this bike is better than that one" debate

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Hey Stu, Been on Betas for 5 years now, love to have a Gasser though. Really got put off after buying the new 01 model and giving it back two months later due to 3 major breakdowns, new clutch and 2 ignition systems. Heard lots of problems since as well - gearboxes - water pumps, will buy one though when they are more reliable. Beta's seem to last forever, easy to work on but have noticed as have a couple of my mates the 06 seems not to be as well made as the 04's. Had big carb problems with mine - still not 100% yet but I am trying yet another set up today. Cant get on with the Sherco and dont want to have to learn how to ride differently with the 4 stroke

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yes, I do have some questions about this one but it's because I prefer to (over?)analyze before the buy rather than afterwards... :thumbup:

Once I decide I don't go back and second guess myself.

Plus, yes, I can walk away, but might be silly if it would be just an easy little fix.

But I don't know much about these things which is why I'm asking about "standard" behavior from those who know, so I'm not expecting unreasonable smoothness.

So any out there that feel like a foot massager?

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I have an '01 2.9 I bought last October, and have put about 140 hours of riding time on it since then. It has, and always has had, quite a bit of clutch noise. (A little quieter when you pull the clutch lever in, louder when the lever is out). It too buzzes thru the pegs just a bit, but not what I would consider unusual. I just took delivery on a new '06 Cabestany replica and I can tell you it too has a tiny bit of clutch noise as well. In my opinion they all do. The reason I bought the new Sherco is because of the incredible dependability I've had with the old one. But I know a used bike is only as good as it's previous owner. Like any machine, they all can be killed by neglect. I run Dextron III tranny fluid in the older bike and it makes it even noisier, but the clutch is as solid as the new one. These bikes just have clutch noise. My friend's GG has clutch noise too.

If you do decide to buy this bike, I would strongly suggest you take it apart and grease and replace all fluids. My old bike what appeared to be the original fork fluid in it. The shock linkage had never been apart and was dry. The chain tensioner was dry. The rear brake lever needle bearings were completely dry. I would suggest you do this with any used bike you buy.

Does this bike you are looking at start easily? Does it take the throttle smoothly? Does it shift smoothly?

Can you start it with the clutch pulled in while it is in gear? Does it tug forward while idling in gear with the clutch pulled in? Does the suspension work freely when you jump up and down on it while riding? These are all things I think about. Sorry to ramble on. Good luck on your decision.

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