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Downhill Flooding?


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I've noticed recently that if I park my bike facing downhill, it's an absolute bugger to start again. In an effort to find out why this is happening I did a search on this forum and came up with the following thread: http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=352

This is one of the more... involved conversations (in more ways than one) that I've read on TC and although someone mentioned the exact same problem that I'm experiencing, I'm not sure that the central point of the discussion is the same.

So it's flooding when pointed downhill, right? An an experiment, I rode a long downhill section without blipping the throttle occasionally like I usually do and the bike stalled about halfway down. Surely this is fuel starvation? :)

Is there a fix for this (these) problem(s). Would BillyT's float height mod help? Or should I remember to turn the fuel off when parking downhill?

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neonsurge....I'm probably being a right numpty here..but MAYBE that thing BVM-Moto sell would do the trick. It replaces the nut at the bottom of the float bowl (outside) and supplys a constant fuel. Apparently after some aggresive splats etc. the Beta sometimes splutters a bit. Thats why that thing was invented. I didn't buy one since I ride like a nancy!...anyway, I've noticed a similar thing on downhill with my Rev3..so I might give one of those things a try :)

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neonsurge - hey, I miss your Ron Jeremy avatar... wha' hoppen?

Anyway, in this case, I don't think the Billy T float adjustment will help because I think you may have a problem with the floats shutting off fuel flow.

You may want to order a new float needle and seat for your Mikuni to keep it from flooding when you park it with a down hill slant.

Also, try the loop of tubing thing where you connect both overflow bibs on the carb w/ a loop of weed-eater fuel line or similar... seems to help with the dribbling and the 'point-it-downhill-burbling' problem - not gone, mind you, just seems a little better.

Thinking about retro-fitting my Rev-3 with a nice Amal or Bing... I may have to settle for a Keihin or steal the injection system from one of the new Montesa thumpers...

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Neosurge, I've had the exact same problem with my 2002 Rev-3. I'm not too upset about it, so I haven't pursued the issue.

Like you, if I'm riding downhill and stop, then turn the bike off, it's nearly impossible to get started again until I level the bike out. I've also noticed some gas coming from the overflow a few times when this has happened. Also, when riding down a slow downhill giving it no gas the bike will kill, almost like it's flooded. I also notice a strong gas smell accompanied with these situations.

Since I'm not too well versed in carb tuning and the like, I just decided keep the clutch in and give it a little more gas while on these slow downhills, but I too would like to know if there's a simple solution to my problem.

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Your bike is flooding going downhill.

Try the Billy T carb mods it will help a lot & very near cure these symptoms.

If you don't try then, how will you know if they work? Its easy to reverse if not to your taste.

I've run these mods , with smaller jets, on three Rev-3s now & its fine in sections. However if queueing downhill for a while its slow to fire up, but always goes with a decent kick.

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So, if I connect the overflow vents together, do BillyT's mod AND install one of those bowl extension thingies, I reckon that should fix the problem. I'll let you know how it goes!

Interestingly, on the James Lampkin training day last week I noticed that Ben Hemingway always turned the fuel off on his Beta when parked. I started to notice when James tried to start Ben's bike and it wouldn't go: "Ben, yer bike won't start!" Ben: "Turn the fuel on!" This was after James' Montesa had developed a "sight glitch" that made it sound like the new 4-stroke and required a quick CDI swap at lunchime :);) I forgot to check if Ben's "factory" bike had the bowl extension installed...

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