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Posts posted by alcanara
  1. Hi All.... I am new to this site and sport and find it very interesting. I looked here to see what the general feel is on the forum.

    I do not wish to prolong this debate. but thought I would add my 2p (at the risk of alienating myself with everyone)

    My stance would be that, as a new member just looking around to get a feel, you may wish to get that feed back..... especially has some thought to remove it to avoid "viewers" being disillusioned.

    My feedback therefore would be ..... Simply look at the original posters question.... IMO he was basically saying what do you think of someone who "snitched". My answer in the forum would have been to indicate what I would have done...i.e. ....... I would have privately spoke to the guy who "breached " the rules and quietly explained the position. I would not have gone to the "authorities" as this was a practice session and no one would have been "done down" by the mistake or moves. But then I don't like snitches.

    I do not know the politics (if any) involved here, but it seems to me that some responses were to simply say "learn the rules and get a life" .... not really helpful. Some responses were excellent and informative, not least the original posters response, which seemed to accept the mostly fair and more constructive response.

    Suffice to say, that as a new member to this forum, i too learned a lot from this thread and was glad that I read through..... the fact that i felt the need to respond because I found some of the postings almost rude, hopefully shows that the written word can be constructive.... but equally misread and interpreted by some.

    Sorry that was more than 2 p..... :closedeyes:

    Thanks again for a good site.... I look forward to many more debates.


  2. I bet your surname is Lampkin???? :rotfl::thumbup:

    Hi Doug..... I have replied to your message ... I hope you find it useful.

    I bought my Xchallenge from these people..... www.exdreames.com

    They run a school near you and do enduro trips to North Africa and similar places. They do various schools around here to.... It is run by Kari Tiainen and Manolo Barnes.... Kari is the 9 times world enduro champion now running training camps and Manolo is well into the Dakar ralley.... so you will be in good hands.

    Try the web site and see how local they are to you.

    Good luck again

    Stuart :thumbup: :thumbup:

  3. Hi,

    Having lived in andalucia for the last couple of years and being a keen trials riderfor many years,id like to turn my hand to enduro can anybody p :rolleyes: oint me in the right direction with regards to clubs and people to ride with? im in Benalmadena.

    Regards Doug. :marky:

    I bet your surname is Lampkin???? :rotfl::thumbup:

  4. Hi.... Thanks for that. I will call them..... just thought I might get the heads up or something like that.... "Out of print" etc etc etc.

    bought a ton of stuff for three different makes of bike from them had good advice off the guy with regard to my Pampera. they had the ryan young dvd on the shelf when i oredered it. i suspect that the dvd may have to be oredered in batches from the USA as its not available anywhere else in the uk.. why not call MM and ask... the internets great but its good to talk..i
  5. Hi Guys,.... Have any of you tried to buy these videos.... they are always out of stock at Motomerlin..... MM also state they will have more by the end of the month.... well I have been watching foe a few months now and I have never seen them.... Do they exist... are MotoMerlin reliable?????

    Please help



  6. Hi Johnnyboxer..... so it is you..... you seemed to have asked all the questions, in the past, that i wanted to know the answers to.... and in your reply yesterday, again you have helped a great deal. Cheers.

    Have you still got your X?

    Bikes do seem a little more expensive over here... especially if it is Japanese.... so the montesa seems to sell at a premium!!

    So I may well do as you suggest and trailer it over here.

    Thanks again for your help.



  7. Hi everyone...... just a quickie to introduce myself.... first it is a small world!!!! I was browsing TC as you do and was looking for those threads where you guys get all excited and slam each other... but eventually what comes out, for nobby newbies like me, is all the good and bad points. One can then take it further and start looking realtime. In doing this I came upon a thread where "johbnnyboxer" was asking some useful questions back Feb 2004.

    Is this the Johnnyboxer I know from the GS and Advrider fame..... yes it seems to be.... It is truly a small world here on the tinternet.

    Well I have retired (early) to Spain.... I have a BMW R1100S (not imported yet... too expensive) for the long trips. I have a BMW G650XChallenge for the hardpack around here... lots of it.... and am now looking for another play thing .... just for my own land... I don't think I could afford to road it... even with Spanish prices, for putting bikes on the road, which are much better than the UK, so I am looking on TC for advice on what to buy.

    I have never Trialled before, and will probably never enter competitions, but just want to build obstacles and things to have fun with 2 wheels.... the love of my life.

    Conclusions from being on here....

    I fancy a Montesa 315R but love 4 strokes.... but you guys seem to question the suitability of them, especially if you have ridden 2 stroke trials before.... I haven't ridden any trials bikes before so is it worth saving a little more for a 4rt?

    When discussing the 315R.... so many have said.... It is heavier than the rest... but worth it for the build quality.... what's with this..... 2 kg more.... Jees is this so different.... you can change your boots and have that much difference?????

    I tend to go for what is pleasing to the eye and build quality... ( I love well engineered and well thought out things in whatever categuory of goods) sad I know.

    Essentially what I want is a very understanding bike (for a newbie) a smooth linear power delivery (not snatchy) but something I can stay with and not get bored with..... I do not have much money and cannot afford to swap and change.....DOES THIS BIKE EXIST?

    Nice to meet you all..... and perhaps admin can suggest where else I post this to get the max results to my queries?.

    A great site, sounds like great people, a great sport.



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