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Posts posted by mrwobbly
  1. Started using some of fastbellys Arnica gell and tablets.

    After a couple of a days a definiate improvement.

    Started doing some massage on the tendon and a few strengthening excercises now.

    Finishing up with some stetching and more Arnica gell.

    Have bought a Flex bar,looks a bit like a big rubber cock with grooves in it,if you look on youtube theres a guy showing its use.

    Certainly gets the Tendons in the forearms working.

    Just have to hide it from her indoors as she keeps borrowing it!.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks everyone for the replies :icon_salut:.

    Thinking about it I do seem to have a lot of pressure on the bars,resulting in arm pump.

    A typical beginners mistake I suppose.

    One of the guys did tell me to try and steer the bike with my feet.

    But my feet kept slipping off the handlebars. :hyper: .

  3. Happy new year everyone.

    Only been trials riding for 2 years,I'm 60yrs young and really enjoying trials.

    The problem is Tennis Elbow is stopping me riding at the moment.

    Anyone got any tried and tested cures?.

    Have been icing and taking ibuprofen with limited success.

    This old fart needs to get back on his bike asap!.

    Many Thanks

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