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  1. clip

    Beta Rev 3 Head Gasket

    Hello,thanks everyone for your prompt replies.So it goes with the tab to the front,which places the two full slots to the rear,I presume the water comes up this way and then trickles back down through the holes. Thanks for the pics JFC,i have my own in built torque settings,one grunt and a squeek,it`s been off that many times latley,I just clap and it rebuilds itself.
  2. Hello,can someone tell me which way round the head gasket goes on my Beta rev 3 250 2007,as it`s not symetrical regarding the water way slots?
  3. Similar tale here.Fell off Beta,me and the bike got trapped under an exposed cast iron water pipe that we play on,the bike was stuck on full chat in third gear,with the throttle buried in the ground,couldn`t stop it for what seamed like an eternity,but was probably about 30 seconds.When I got the bike out,there was no compression and it wouldn`t start,After stripping it,i needed a new barrel and piston.But after talking to one of the guys who races,he said that even with the magnetic kill,if your bike is stuck on full throttle,the spark plug acts like a glow plug and keeps on running,anyone else heard this?
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