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Posts posted by paul7
  1. I leave mine on, just loosen the bolts about half way and tap the back of the skid plate down a little, works good. After I take the drain bolt out I let the bike lay over against my leg a pretty good ways so the oil doesn't run all over the skid plate, after it's drained I do like everyone else, lay the bike on it's side and take the cover off.

  2. 31 minutes ago, heffergm said:

    Doesn't the 4rt have a big 'No Lead/Pb' sticker on the tank? VP110 is leaded, as is Avgas (100LL).

    yep, also, manual says unleaded 91 0ctane or higher.

  3. 3 hours ago, fxstbi said:

    I hope that is correct. Since my wife bought the bike I didn't talk with the dealer. I'll have to check. 

    I just went through all the paperwork that came with mine, everywhere a warranties mentioned it's marked N/A so I assume there is none. I'm pretty sure at some point the dealer said 6 months, I either heard wrong or he was wrong.

  4. Im happy to say I was able to put a down payment on one I did find one in CA. was waiting on him to get back to me when one of the other dealers I called to say they have one coming now in January that was just 4-1/2 hours away 


    good to hear bbk. delivery on mine is now end of Nov. and about a 4 hour trip to the dealer for me.

  5. Wouldn't mind so much if the bars were a little shorter for me, save me pulling out the sawsall, had to cut a couple inches off the fat bar on the sherco so they felt right, no idea how wide they are, never actually measured them.

  6. I've been riding my 2006 montesa repsol since it was new i took out of the box put fuel in and rode off its a great bike had to replace fenders that was my fault couldn't stay on the pegs lol I have had to replace a set of fork seals though . Great bike Im trying to buy another one i want a 2017 300RR ,they are proving to be hard to find. I checked with the guy Paul7 told me about They didnt get the 300 :-(  I did find a 2016 300 in Mississippi for $10000. im hoping to find the 2017 if anyone has a lead let me know.

    Oh Paul7 your guy at dealership seems like a great guy need to get him on a bike 



    Sorry BBK i'd have bet money that I heard him say he ordered two, one of each, and got approved for both. If you don't find one soon there's way to find out which dealer has them, all the Honda dealers should have the ability to do a vehicle search on other dealers inventory and tell you who has one in stock, probably have to wait until they actually have them for that to work though and it seems like they really don't like to do it for some reason, maybe offer the guy at the local dealership a beer or something to do the search for you.

  7. According to the Honda dealer I spoke to there not doing the pre-order like they did before in the US, don't know about the UK,  where the individual orders the bike, then it's shipped to the dealer. This year it's up to the dealer to order what he thinks he can sell, then Honda decides how many and what that dealer gets. The Honda place I'm dealing with ordered one 4RT and one 300RR, he said they got approved for both of them, should be delivered to the warehouse the end of the month beginning of Nov. I'm getting the 4RT so they will have a 300RR for sale if someone not already put a deposit down on it. 

    So you have to call a dealer to see who has them ordered.

    As of last month there was at least one Honda dealer in my area that still had a 2016 300RR for sale.



    This is the same dealer who said they also ordered a 4ride, he didn't say anything about that last time I spoke to them. I guess they didn't get it.

  8. need to bring this thread back up.. I want one so bad... us poor US market just can't seem to get it...  :facepalm:


    maybe I should just get a second 4RT and build one?


    4 Ride kit: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MONTESA-4RIDE-FULL-KIT-PARTS-MONTESA-4RT-NEW-MONTESA-4RT-CHANGE-TO-MONTESA-4RIDE-/182228795532?hash=item2a6daec08c:g:d0sAAOSwJqpXoNIF


    Was on the phone with a Honda dealer yesterday, interestingly he bought up the subject of the 4 ride, he said they told Honda they would like to offer them here in the US believes they would sell really well in his area, (north east). He also said that's all they can do is ask, no guarantees.. 

  9. Hi

    Should have delivery of four of the spacers next week. They aren't expensive so I'm guessing a few may like one. 15 each I think, TBC. First three of you (UK) to ping me that you would like one of the extra ones can have them for cost. I figured a few may do and I can easily get more via the Austrian connection if needed.

    The consensus of two seems to be that you can lower the idle RPM with this mod. Hopefully in my case the bike will start better too.





    So do the spacers work, you can lower the rpm with no apparent side effects.

  10. Thanks, I got to ride for a couple hours not long after I wrote that and they started feeling like they were breaking in some, or maybe I'm just getting use to riding with them, either way i'll stick with them for a while longer.

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