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  1. I help to run the BikeTrial club that uses Addingham, TykeTrial, we've been using that venue since the club started in 1997. I also organised the World BikeTrial Championship there in 2005 with the support of Bradford council, Skipton council, Addingham and Silsden. I'll be sending off a few letters today to appropriate people. I also run quite a few trials-related websites, so rather than have several petitions, we can link up onto one. The focus of my letters will be based on the Lord Mayor of Bradford's speech at our world round, regarding the benefits of cycling to youth, and what a great place Addingham is for it, and the visit to our last trial of the local Police community officers who said it was a shame there weren't more places like that for the youths. To make the most of those statements, is it possible on the petition to note which signatures are cyclists and which are motorcyclists? Also talked about in the speech was the importance of the sport on the profile and prosperity of the region that she talked about. Could that be used? ie, what do people spend in the area, food, bed & breakfast etc, how often do they use it? Our club is meeting next week to discuss, please let us know of any ideas of anything that we can do.
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