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Posts posted by benz19
  1. Hi Munch.

    I hope you dont mind me asking you this openly on TC,but as your one of the guys who actually know what they are talking about when it comes to the 4RT i thought i would ask you the following,plus i thought others could benifit from your advise and experience?

    Im thinking of doing and engine overhall in a couple of months and am considering and oversize engine kit.

    As i believe you have riden several i would like to ask your recommendations?

    260,272,280,290,300 are some options available,but i have heard the standard cylinder head combustion deasign cant work efficiently with anything over 272,is this correct??

    Thanks in advance Munch.


  2. Thanks for all your comments guys!!

    Im must admit i was getting carried away with the weight issue,and seeing the old boys on BSA's cleaning clubman sections proves its all technic!!!

    I have put on some raptor hangers and junked the side stand so a fair bit of needless weight has gone!

    Just ordered a TRP rear shock to try as i heard good things about them,i no people say the monts suspension is great,and i agree,but im a sucker for playing around,i shall report after this weekend as should have it for then and have a trial at Farley quary on sunday!



  3. Think they were talking 50k a bike.

    Small change to HRC,i used to ride Honda Britain backed road race bikes and know just how much money they chuck at road racing,trials must seem like peanuts compaired to MOTO GP!!

  4. Thanks for your suggestions guys!

    I do realise that there is not allot of weight to be shed without splashin the cash,and as im quite new to trials i dont think the weight is gona make a hell of allot of diff??

    Just makes you realise who far off the standard Monts are when you read that Bou's bike is around 65kilos!!!! Oh for and endless budget and the access to exotic materials!!


  5. Hi all,

    interested to know if the 08 bikes come with a fast (white tube) or slow (black tube) throttle on them?

    Im currently running a slow throttle on my 05 bike,tho the bike is 07 spec with 07 cam and clutch and a real nice soft map that Mick from M sport loaded onto my Ptb for me.

    Im also considering putting a Mitani silencer on to replace the standard 05 exhaust,im running a TRW front pipe with two front restrictors out but rear one in,am hoping the mitani will sofen power even more????


  6. Hey guys dont get me wrong,i always support my local dealers and always will for genuine parts and general run of the mill item,but,for exotic upgrades i see no reason why if you can get them cheaper buying direct then whats the issue.

    Yes people import them,and i no hey have to pay duties and the like,but sometimes thay are adding Huge mark ups too!

    Just my opinion!

  7. Hi guys,well i got rid of the old gasser and got me a 4rt,YEAH,just reading the owners manual is like porn of the trials world!!!

    Anyway,im keen to buy s stack of stuff from Mitani's web site but am struggling to fill in the registration form,can anyone assist or point me in the right direction for buying from JP?

    I buy other stuff from JP for my model helicopters and have no probs,but there sites are in English.

    Any help would be great!!


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