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city trials

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Posts posted by city trials
  1. You can take those podium shots all day. Here's one you won't find. Big Wig and Wiggy after the final ride of the weekend. It was priceless watching him hug his son like it was his first ever victory when the rear wheel was finally out of gate 15. Congratulations to Alexz.

    Too bad he didn't take me up on the brews I offered him on Saturday night. The results may have been different? No hard feeling, mate.


  2. On a personal note. I was publicly hard on Noel Saturday after the event - and to Noel, who reads this under Northern Norm, I'd like to say sorry, bro. Noel worked his butt off all weekend. Noel gives everything he has for this sport - and leaves nothing behind. When his day is done, he's put in enough for a dozen men. Noel is my hero. Who else you know could replace a severely damaged passport in less than 24 hours and still make it to Ireland in time for Friday night High Tea?

  3. How were the sections for him compared to what he would ride in the US?

    First day some sections on the mountain were long and really technical. Another aspect of the Irish sections are the mid-sized, wet, round, slippery stones, about knee and hip high, spaced just enough apart to create absolute havoc. Add to the fact they're on pretty steep slopes and oddly placed. Toss in moistness and thrown in really tight turns and you've got one nasty section.

    That's what I told Pat he needs to work on.

    In the US they like to make things mostly big, not technical. WTC sections rarely use kickers, they force the rider to climb the larger rocks from a very short distant, usually needing to be touching the ribbon with the rear tire. This just scares the crap out of me when I see Pats' rear tire touching a ribbon, fearing a rip, and a 5 on the card. Strange, me seeing him narrowly balanced on one wheel - on the very rock, doesn't bother me a bit, at all.

    The stadium sections (1, 15) could've been a bit longer.

    Ireland's a tough stop on the tour. The weather is unpredictable. It's the beginning of the season. We're three guys from the midwest of America who are just trying to fit in a super competitive series against 3 World Championships and a bunch of other super talented riders that have far more support than we're receiving at the moment. For crying out loud, Sherco couldn't even come up with food or drinks in the paddock - and we nearly ran out of frekin' gas. Try to ask for can of gas - and we get a half english/half spanish response, "only 4-stroke." Hello, Sherco, you make a two stroke too. To top it off, nearly every riders Mum's was there. I even met Dougie's Mum. We needed a Mum.

    Sidebar: I'll be sure to bet 20 pound on the 100 to 1 shot in next years Grand National. Another thing American's can't enjoy. A killer (no pun intended) horse race. PETA would be up in arms.

    Example of a Irish section of havoc. #5. See Noel looking up, he's about at the 1/2 up part of the section. There must've been a half dozen sections like this. This one started on that trail at the very bottom, some 150 feet down the steep mountain.


  4. Loop two is done for Pat. 96 dabs. Oh well. Better luck tomorrow. I'm turning the show over to Jake and Andy now. I'm just the Cub reporter. They're the pros at this, you know.

  5. Man-made stadium section one went smooth. Sections 2,3,4 were brutal river runs. All riders are struggling. Pat got frustrated at section 3. But so did everyone else. One Spanish rider finished the section yelling, "Puta!" (Look it up your self. I don't like using that word.)

  6. Pat's out time is 9:58 AM. #45 in your program. Weather is drizzle rain, but looks to clear by the afternoon. About 50 degrees. Course looks to be very technical. Mountain sections, forest sections, river sections and beach sections.

    I don't have to tell you, the Junior class is stacked with talented riders. With that.... Go Pat Go!


  7. I'm focused on the juniors. Can't wait to see how it all plays out. Alexz, Ross and Sam have always been my favorites riders to watch. Jack is super too after seeing him ride. Then, you got a plethora of Spanish/Italian/French riders.

    Really hope all the training Patrick did this winter pays off against these great kids. And, Nigel, because it's like a broken record for you, please, I don't need to hear you diss Pat for not being in Europe. This is the way he's doing it. And that's that. You want to blame that reason? Go ahead. It won't change how he operates.

    This isn't fair for me to do, but what the heck. This is my opinion/feelings only.


    1) Alexz

    Top 5) Patrick

    Hope & Heart:

    1) Patrick

    2) Alexz

    Now, like I said, this is my opinion/feelings only. I'm totally bias towards USA riders for some odd reason. I'm excited to see how this season goes. See you all in Ireland next week.

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