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Posts posted by wallo
  1. Hi Turbo, I got the results yesterday in the post, and am currently talking to the organiser as I've offered to help get the scores out in the future. To be honest I believe results show be published on the tinternet within 48 hours of the trial, after all it is 2015. I will try to scan the results in and publish them tomorrow on this post, so long as the wife hasn't already filed them.

  2. Why would you want to fit flanged rims ? Horrible things hold mud and crap etc :chairfall:

    They were on the bike when I bought and have been replaced. Someone wants to buy them but I aint got a clue how much they are worth.

  3. Wallo,

    I strongly recommend that you change that lurid yellow for the more traditional black or yellow if you are to compete in classic/pre 65 trials. That way you'll be more in keeping with ALL the other fiddle bikes entered.

    As both your bikes have rigid back ends, I guess you would be grafting the Rock shocks on to the front of your machines.

    Finally, when you are competing, take care not to bite your tongue wedged so firmly in your cheek. Nice one Wallo!

    The Rock Shocks will go on our trick bikes, we like to keep these as traditional as possible, ie as they were when they left the factory back in '59.

  4. Really looking forward to the Red Marley trial this weekend, the bikes are all prepped and ready to go.

    Me and my mate are hoping to win the Rock Shocks for the best Triumph and Matchless riders.

    I'm riding the Matchless on the left my mate is riding the Triumph on the right.


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  5. Phew, this is all very confusing, and to be honest, all I want to do is ride my bike at the weekend, and fettle for the next weekend if work permits during the week.

    We aren't going to be world champs the next Toni Bou, Steve Allen or Jon Cull so just get the bikes out, choose the route that's best for you and enjoy it.

    Why worry what everyone else is doing, it's not worth it, enjoy what you have, make the most of it, simples........

    See you all at the Red Marley trail this Sunday

  6. Hi,

    For those members wondering what all this chat about 'Weighbridge' is about, here is a photograph of a relatively young Johnny Draper climbing the section in the 1948 Inter-Centre Team trial. Needless to say the camera 'loses' the steepness of the climb up the track by the pub - but it is still the same steep hillside - and it will still extract the usual number of marks and failures in the Cotswold Cups.

    If you would like to see more of the history of the sections in the area, as well as more recent photogreaphs of events on Wrighbridge, Nailsworth Ladder and the rest - but without the watermarks - then just subscribe to ORRe - our digital magazine where there will be a feature of the roots of the Cotswold Cups, the March Hare. etc., shortly.


    You've convinced, I'll sign up :-)

  7. So, the trial is over, bike is cleaned. I enjoyed it, but......

    Far to many enduro bikes in my opinion, I worry that the classic bike scene is dying.

    Riding manners for some went out of the window, we have to respect others, stop and turn off engines for horse riders etc etc

    You can open and close gates, it's really easy.

    Should I ride the CRF 450 R next year and really p@ss people off?

  8. I cant answer that Turbo - I honestly don't know the answer, I was just putting forward a personal point of view.I have no interest at all in trail bikes or modern mono bikes being included in classic trials.I have nothing against them,but I would be prepared to pay a higher entry fee to ride in a trial free of them.

    Cant remember exactly,but I think I'm right in saying that all the older stuff gets away first with the sidecars etc,so the classes should stay apart to some extent.Think my number is 9 this year in the rigid class.

    Sidecars should go out on Monday morning not first out on the Sumday, my opinion only.

  9. Hi jon, turbo et al,

    The reason that trail bikes became involved in the classic trials scene was ridiculously simple - nothing to do with wanting bigger entries at all!

    To put it mildly they were motorcyclists and they provided a vast amount of assistance clearing ground, manning observers cards, marking out long routes, etc., etc. As a 'reward' we included a trail bike class and that way the interested ones became even more involved and eventually quite a number actually got themselves an old British bike and really joined in the fun.

    So now you know - they were motorcyclists, through and through, whereas most clubs were getting full of trials riders who had never owned a bike on the road and transported their competition bikes to and from events in vans or trailers, the classic crowd had a tendency to ride their bikes to the events.............


    Deryk Wylde

    I used to help at Swindon Town FC , but they didn't let me play in the Premiership #rediculasreason

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